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Leeeezzz goooo

Y/N: Cat?

Felicia: Web-head?

The two of us stare at each other with shock all over our faces. The song continues and everyone else dances in pure ignorant bliss.

Y/N: You're...

I feel my knees start to wobble. My identity, something I worked so hard to hide, is now suddenly in danger.


I feel my lip quiver.

Y/N: tried to get me killed.

I take a step back from her. I internally chastise myself. I mean I always had my suspicions but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe anyone in my life could be involved with my second life. Much less someone who set me up to get taken out by the Vulture.

Felicia: I...I didn't know it was you.

I suddenly become very aware of all the ears around us.

I take one last look at her before turning and running out of the room. I hear her heels click against the ground chasing after me.

I eventually make it outside. And she catches up.

Felicia: Y/N wait!

Y/N: Just.

I whip around to face her.

Y/N: Stay away from me. Please.

Felicia: Bu-

Y/N: I can't trust you now! How am I supposed to know that you won't just sell me out?! Again!

She goes quiet. And that's all I need for an answer. She herself doesn't know.

The sounds of sirens fills the night as I see red and blue lights race past me.

I turn away from her before disappearing into an alley and emerging in my suit. I don't even look at her as I race after the danger thankful to get away from the tense situation.

It's now been a week since the dance. A whole week of looking over my shoulder constantly on guard waiting for an attempt on my life or my loved one's lives. And a week where I have yet to talk to Felicia.

Tonight is like any other night.

I find myself sticking to the side of a building looking down at the street.

Right now things are nice and quiet. No one is causing trouble just yet.

Y/N: Well this is ni-

I see cop cars fly past me on the street.

Y/N: Spoke too soon.

I sigh before following after the sirens. They eventually lead me to a bank. But much to my surprise the entire scene has already been secured by the NYPD. As in nothing's happening.

I look around the surrounding area and spot a figure on a rooftop just staring down at the scene.

Y/N: And Bingo was his name-o.

I web my way up for building and find the Black Cat waiting for me. Or Felicia. Doesn't matter what I call her at this point I guess.

Y/N: You?

Black Cat: I had a feeling you would come.

She rubs her arm.

Black Cat: We need to talk.

Y/N: Why should we? I'm surprised you're not making a mile long list of demands so that you'll keep your mouth shut.

Black Cat: That's...complicated.

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