Stop The Presses

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Leeezz gooo

Y/N's POV:

I find myself staring down at a newspaper in my hands while walking through the halls of my school.

Everyone around me has their nose buried deep in newspapers while whispering to each other. Everyone is speculating who Spider-Man is.

I mean that's how it was when I first showed up but now that it's become an apparent fact that I attend a specific school, I can already feel the vultures circling.

Which means it's time to bring out the guns.

Y/N: Hey Uhh Gwen?

I tap Gwen's shoulder as she turns to me with an aggravated look on her face.

Gwen: Hm? What's up Y/N?

Y/N: I think we need to run a piece on this Spider-Man ordeal.

I adjust the strap of my backpack nervously.

Gwen: I was thinking the same thing.

She throws a newspaper in the trash.

Gwen: I mean it just infuriates me. Sure I want to know who Spider-Man is. Heck I've even narrowed down my list of suspects.

Y/N: Y-You have?

Gwen: Well yeah. From the blood we scraped up at the site of the Electro fight we found that Spider-Man's blood type is O Negative.

Y/N: Ha ha ha a hero with the universal doner blood. W-What a coincidence.

I clear my throat.

Y/N: Uhh what Uhh else did you uncover?

Gwen: Well aren't you interested.

She raises her brow and I rub the back of my neck.

Y/N: J-Just curios is all.

Gwen: Well we did find that his blood was extremely mutated. As I thought it'd be.

She sighs before rubbing her eyes.

Gwen: I want to find out who he is. But not like this ya know?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Gwen: He's the only person looking out for the little guy. He doesn't deserve to have cameras snooping around and finding out who he is. Then the media would have a field day with his family. And then all of a sudden his family has a big bright red target painted on their backs.

Well she's not wrong.

Y/N: W-Which is why I think we need to write a counter piece.

Gwen: Already brainstorming. I had my dad run a background check on this photographer, Mac Gargan. And he's not exactly a credible source.

She leads me into the newspaper room where Liz is already hard at work.

Liz: Oh hey guys. Glad you could make it.

I wave as she gestures towards the seat that belongs to me.

Liz: Alright Gweny what do we know about this guy?

Gwen: Well Mac Gargan.

She pins a picture of a mugshot to a cork board. When she got that? I'm not sure.

Gwen: Is $26,000 in gambling debt. Not to mention whatever money he owes to loan sharks.

I nod my head.

Gwen: We also know.

She slaps a picture of the Daily Bugle's symbol onto the cork board.

Gwen: That the bugle has deep pockets.

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