Star Gazing

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And we're back! Hey guys it's me again, back from my little vacation. Weirdest summer camp ever. Anyway now for something I've been waiting to say for awhile now.

Leeeeezzzz goooooo

Y/N's POV:

I let an annoyed groan as I stand stuck at a crosswalk on my way to school. A second groan sounds off next to me.

Jai: Dude it shouldn't be taking this long.

Y/N: How much time do we have left?

He glances at his phone.

Jai: 5 minutes.

The crosswalk finally turns on for us and we take off running. Eventually we make it to the school's gates. We pass by some of the student body kids hanging up posters reminding everyone of tonight's camp out.

Which is really just gathering everyone in the gym with sleeping bags and going outside to stare at the stars. Why? I couldn't tell you.

Jai: You going to that camping thing?

Y/N: Yeah May kinda volun-told me to.

My Aunt more or less pushed me into it saying I needed to take a night off every now and then and just be a normal kid.

Jai: Oh thank god, I didn't want to go alone.

Felicia: Morning nerds.

I look behind us and see Felicia walking up towards us. She shoots me a warm smile before the bell rings.

Jai: Oh crap!

He takes off running and Felicia laughs a little.

Felicia: Shouldn't you be chasing after him to get to class?

Y/N: Well...

I glance at all the other couples taking their sweet time.

Y/N: I uhh...

She hits my shoulder lightly.

Felicia: Go, you've got a reputation to uphold Mr.

She smiles before giving me a push towards my first class. So I turn on my heel and start running.

Felicia: I'll see you tonight~

I look back at her as she waves at me. I'll still never get over the fact that we're dating. I mean I'm me and she's...just wow.

With me arriving to class the start of yet another mundane day of learning and worksheets. Granted I still pay attention and make sure I take good notes. And of course there's my daily encounters with Flash and his cronies.

It's not long before the day comes to an end. And before I even know it, it's already time to set my sleeping bag down in the gym.

Jai: So in conclusion, Grogu in Mandalorian armor with a green lightsaber or even the dark saber is a giant W.

Y/N: Yeah but like...Disney hates making good Star Wars movies. Good shows? Yeah. But there's no way we'd get that in a movie.

Jai: Weeeellll maybe not us. Maybe future fans?

Y/N: Fair enough.

The two of us have our sleeping bags set down next to each other.

The gym has been divided into sections by a long line of duct tape. Guys on one side and girls on the other.

Jai: C'mon they want us to look at stars.

Y/N: Yeah I'm coming.

Everyone is ushered outside. Gwen and Liz come up to me and Jai.

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