Daily Struggle

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Lez keep on going

Y/N's POV:

I groan as my alarm clock goes off. I got home last night at around 2 AM. My alarm goes off at 6 AM. Gotta be in class by 7:30.

Y/N: Mmmm four hours?

Ever since I got my freaky deaky powers I've noticed some changes to my body. The first being I can get a good nights sleep in only two hours. The second being I have a much larger appetite which is kinda a problem seeing as how I need to keep my body changes on the downlow.

I get up from my twin bed. My room is pretty small, one step and I'm on the other side of it already. I glance over at the mirror in my room to see if I look like shit.

Oh and I did mention that I'm kinda buff now? Yeah I didn't think that was in my future. But seeing as how the scronny kid got built overnight I've got cover it up.

Y/N: Doesn't seem like it's going to be too hot today.

I throw on a band t-shirt and a flannel to cover up my arms. Followed by a pair of blue jeans and some vans matching my shirt.

I glance over at my costume in my closet. I'm surprised it's held up thus far. See my costume is really just a sweater, leggings, knee pads, a bag that I keep my sticky notes and a snack in, and my mask is really just a luchadore mask that I decorated and put sunglass lens in.

May: Y/N breakfast is ready, your gonna be late!

Y/N: Coming May!

I throw my costume into my school bag before stepping out of my room. I walk on down into the kitchen/dining area and grab a piece of toast off a plate.

May: You need to get a move on young man.

Aunt May, bless her heart. She's in her mid forties and had to put her life on hold when my parents had some type of accident happen to them. I dunno I was young and May doesn't like talking about it.

Y/N: Alright I'll be home a little late I've got a club meeting today.

No I don't.

May: Okay be safe and learn something new.

I nod before finishing the toast and walking out the door.

Y/N: I'll see you later May.

And with that I'm on my way to school. I attend this school in Queens since it's the closest public school to me.

After a good thirty minute walk I make it to my campus. For the past two weeks I've made it my goal to get here extra early so I can grab a second breakfast. Gotta keep myself going somehow.

Flash: Aye piss pants!

I groan in frustration as I hold my tray containing my second meal.

Flash Thomson, all in all your stereotypical dick head. He's been an asshole to me since the 4th grade.

Now the whole piss pants thing? He knocked a water bottle out of my hand and it spilled all over my pants. Looked like i had pissed myself.  He's been calling me that for like three years now.

Flash: I called you didn't I piss pants.

He pushes my back and I stumble forward before stabilizing myself I stabilize myself.

With Flash is his usual group of assholes. I never really cared to learn their names except for two who they kinda dragged along.

Those two being Gwen Stacy and Liz Allen. Now I'm on decent terms with the two of them. They've never done anything to me except for just watch Flash push me around.

Flash: Oh you got my breakfast for me? You shouldn't have.

He reaches for the pop tart i got for breakfast. I pull my tray away from him causing him to miss.

Flash: Have it your way then piss pants.

He hits the tray out of my hand sending my food airborne.

Don't get me wrong I could totally kick his ass right here and now. But that would just seem super suspicious.

He laughs with his cronies before they walk off. Gwen however stays behind.

Gwen: Sorry about Flash Y/N you know how he is.

I sigh and reach for my pop tart.

Y/N: Nothing I haven't dealt with before.

Luckily for me the wrapper was still on so I'm good.

Gwen: Anyway can we count on you to be attending the club?

Right the club that I haven't been going to. The one May thinks I'm in. That being the newspaper club.

Y/N: I uhm...don't think so.

Gwen: Seriously? This is going to be the fourth meeting you'll miss.

Y/N: I know I'm sorry...I just have a lot going on.

Gwen: Yeah...you were the only one who I could think of assigning the Spider-Man article to.

And that there caught my attention.

Y/N: We're doing a Spider-Man article?

Gwen: Well yeah, I mean you can't tell me your not curious about the stuff he does!

Now out of everyone at school Gwen is my biggest fan...well Spider-Man's biggest fan.

Y/N: What did you want me to do?

Gwen: Well your the only one who's any good with our school cameras. I was hoping you could snap a picture of him every week for the article, and maybe write about what he did?

This could be my chance to up my public image.

Y/N: Y-Yeah I can do it!

Gwen: I thought you were going to be busy?

Y/N: I-I mean yeah but I can still grab a shot or two.

She nods her head.

Gwen: Alright swing on by after school.

Heh swing.

She walks off as the bell rings. I hastily eat my pop tart before walking off to class.

My day goes by normally, had a chemistry quiz and I aced it. Had to deal with Flash pushing me between periods but yeah, normal day.

I head on down to the news room and check out a camera. I wave to everyone inside awkwardly before leaving campus.

Y/N: Alright time to go to my "club"

I step into an alley and change into my costume. I then take the camera out and web my bag to the wall.

Y/N: Alrighty Spider-Man is on the job.

And thus i swing off to do my daily patrols.

-Much Later-

I land back in the alley way to collect my bag.

Y/N: Okay got some good shots time to pack up and head...oh come on!

I groan as I see that my bag is no longer there.

Y/N: Spidey note to self...leave bag somewhere where hobo Larry can't steal it.

Aaaand scene

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