Club Work

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Lezzz gooo

I wake up sore and tired. My body feels as if it's been ran over by a semi truck followed by a cinderblock being smashed over my back.

In my closet is the electro proof suit. It's once blue color now a more black color from the blasts that hit me last night.

I brush a finger over my lip and flinch. Definitely a busted up a lip. I reach for my eye and wince. Yup I've got a black eye.

How am I going to explain this one to May? I could try and sneak out of here real fast.

I get out of bed and take a look in the mirror. My chest is lined with various shaped bruises. I could even qualify for an alien with how purple and green my skin is.

May: Y/N you up yet?

Y/N: Yeah I'm up May just a second.

I quickly hide my costumes in my closet and get dressed. Might have to take it easy today.

I then step out of my room and find May by the table. She looks at me with a warm smile before it becomes a frown.

May: What happened to you?!

She races towards me and wraps me in a hug. I groan at the impact.

May: Who did this to you?!

Y/N: was a school yard fight?

May: I've known you forever now, you don't fight. And you've been lying a lot to me lately. What's going on with you?

Y/N: Nothing May...

May: Cut the shit. Stop lying to me already please.

Y/N: May I can't...I just can't. Please you have to trust me.

May: That's the thing I don't trust you Y/N, you keep on lying to me.

I feel a sharp pain on my heart. The one person I need to protect the most doesn't trust me. But she can't know, no one can know.

Y/N: May please...I can't tell you.

May: I deserve to know Y/N! Your all I have left!

Y/N: I know...but May you have to believe me. It's for the better that you don't know.

I'm asking a lot of her. But this is one thing that she cannot afford to know about.

May: Just go...I can't look at you right now.

Disappointment seeps out from her voice. I nod and walk out of the apartment.

So Spider-Man gets knocked around and almost killed on the daily. Meanwhile Y/N gets teased and becomes a disappointment at the same time. This whole two life thing is getting stressful.

Eventually I make it to school. I do my best to not be seen. Last thing I need right now is unwanted attention.

Gwen: Y/N?

Just what I was trying to avoid. I turn around and see Gwen in a white sweater, black tights and a concerned look on her face.

Gwen: Are you okay?!

She closes the distance between us almost instantly and reaches for my face. I stop myself from pulling away.

Her warm hand touches my face and I feel the hairs on my arms raise up. It's nice to be touched in a way where I don't question if I'm going to wake up in pain.

Gwen: What happened?

Y/N: I walked into a pole?

She frowns and shakes her head.

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