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Lezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

I stare down Electro who had recently made some improvements to himself.

I stare down Electro who had recently made some improvements to himself

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Electro: Your not going to stop me Spider-Man.

Y/N: Electro hear me out. This doesn't have to end in a big brawl. Let me help you.

Electro: No one can help me anymore.

Y/N: What is it that your even after?!

Electro: To be where I belong. To become pure energy! I'll control everything!

Y/N: Can't let you do that.

Electro: Come and stop me then.

Y'all wanna cue some music here? This is the action sequence.

He raises his hands and fires out two bolts of electricity at me. I leap between the two bolts before firing a web onto him.

As I pull myself closer I see electricity rushing up the webs. Can't afford to have my web shooters short circuit.

I detach the web and instead web a wall behind him. I yank myself forward and cock my fist back.

Electro: That rubber can only protect you so much!

My fist smashes into his face causing him to stagger backwards. I then web his chest and yank him towards me.

As soon as he's close enough I drive my knee into his stomach.

From this close he pushes me back and fires out a beam of electricity at me. With no time to react the impact sends me crashing into a parked car.

Y/N: Yup, no shocks just pure impact now.

I pull myself off the car as a second bolt catches me in the thigh. I instantly grab it feeling a bruise forming under it.

Electro: Just give up Spider-Man, even if you don't feel the electricity I'm just going to beat you down.

Y/N: Your more than welcome to try sparky.

I fire a web onto a building and yank myself towards it. He fires off bolts at me. I manage to dodge the bolts midair before webbing the door of the car I hit earlier.

Y/N: Catch!

I yank the door into the air before swinging it down at Electro. And then he goes airborn using the electricity to propel himself upwards.

Y/N: Oh that's just cheating!

Electro: All's fair in a super power fight!

He discharges a shockwave of electricity causing all surrounding lights to burn brightly before breaking.

Electro: Come and get some Spider-Man!

My sixth sense kicks in as he hurls bolts towards me. I fire a web onto a cop car and yank myself onto it.

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