Take Flight

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Lez goooo

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: Vulture huh? Really? Couldn't have come up with a better name?

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Y/N: Vulture huh? Really? Couldn't have come up with a better name?

He aims this futuristic gun at me. I fire a web pulling myself away from his line of sight. The weapon goes off firing a purple beam blowing up where I was standing seconds prior.

Y/N: Woah there that's kinda dangerous!

I fire a web at his chest and he cuts the web.

Vulture: Do not get in the way of my vengeance Spider-Man!

He charges right at me and fires again. I jump over the shot and land on his back.

Y/N: Say what're these made of?

He spins midair causing me to let go. As I fall he grabs onto my chest with his talons.

The sheer pressure of him grabbing onto me is crushing. I feel the air escape my lungs as I try to free myself.

Vulture: Let's see how well you can breathe without an oxygen machine.

As we go higher and higher I feel it become even harder to breathe.

Vulture: Nothing to say Spider-Man?

I manage to free one of my arms. I aim my wrist at the Vulture's face and fire. As soon as it makes contact I yank with whatever strength I can muster causing him to stagger.

In his moment of confusion his grip slackens. At just like that i'm sent falling to my death.

Y/N: Oh gooooddddd I can't flyyyy!

I fall back down towards the city. I feel chilled to my bone as the cold air rips past me.

Okay okay I have to obviously stop myself from going splat. But at this rate i'll break my arms if I try to web onto something.

As I get closer and closer to the ground I make out the outline of two buildings with a good amount of space between them.

Y/N: Okay let's hope this wo-

I'm cut off as my spidey sense goes off. Yeah I call it a spidey sense piss off.

I turn my head over my shoulder and see the Vulture aiming at me with his weapon.

Vulture: Thought you could get away?!

He fires at me and I fire my web at his wing. He cuts it and I end up taking the brunt of the attack.

The purple beam slams into the spider insignia on my chest. The suit absorbs a good amount of the damage but the taste of iron fills my mouth.

Yeah that hurt.

I glance down and see the ground getting closer. The buildings get taller.

Y/N: Oh man I don't wanna do this!

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