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Leeez goooo

Y/N's POV:

I swing around on my nightly patrol.

Y/N: Let's see...I spy with my little eye...

My ears perk up to the sound of police sirens. I look to my right and see a car chase in progress.

Y/N: Man we've got a problem with car related crimes.

I start to follow after the car before my spider sense goes off. I quickly detach my web as a dart flys through the air.

Y/N: Seriously?

I look around before I spot two people clad in black tactical gear. I then look down at the ongoing pursuit.

Y/N: Hold that thought guys!

I wave at them before swinging after the car. I manage to cut it off before swinging at it head on.

Y/N: Woah buddy this is a 45!

I fire a web onto the driver side door before yanking it off. I then land on the discarded door before pushing off of it and landing on top of the car.

Y/N: Was this seriously worth not getting a ticket?!

I reach my hand inside before grabbing hold of the driver. I then toss them out before webbing them to a wall.

Y/N: Now time for the car.

I quickly get inside.

Y/N: Uhh...which ones the break?

I slam my foot down on the break thankfully slowing the vehicle down before coming to a stop.

Y/N: And now for the pew pew guys.

I swing back to go after the guys who shot at me only for my spider sense to go off again.

Y/N: Ah that's more than one!

I pull myself to a nearby building dodging three darts.

Y/N: Oh this sucks.

I end up spotting three two man teams. A spotter and shooter. All three teams wearing similar black tactical gear.

Y/N: Oh great, the mil-sim kids are out of their mom's basement.

I quickly go after the closest team. I twist my body in the air dodging every shot fired my way.

Y/N: Seriously? Darts of all things?

I end up directly above the first team.

Y/N: Heads up.

I fire my webs onto their weapons. I then yank them out of their hands before webbing both of them down as I land.

Y/N: Ha one team down.

I duck under a dart.

Y/N: Two to go. 

I jump off the roof and proceed to deal with the rest of the teams.

Y/N: Now then let's see guys.

I turn to look at the last team I dealt with.

Y/N: I'm used to getting shot at these days by real okay that was kinda depressing to admit.

I scratch the back of my head.

Y/N: So darts? What gives?

They don't respond.

I sigh before grabbing one of their guns and taking out the mag. I then take out one of the darts only to find it's actually a syringe of sorts.

Y/N: Wait a second...

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