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Leeezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

I arrive at the rooftop the Black Cat had told me to meet her at earlier in the week. And she somehow arrives at the same time as I do.

Black Cat: And here I thought you wouldn't show for our little rendezvous~

I clear my throat before shaking my head.

Y/N: I'm here to catch thieves.

Black Cat: Then why not catch me?

She smirks as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Y/N: Good question.

Black Cat: And I know the answer~

Y/N: Being?

Before she can answer I hear the sounds of a car pulling up behind the building. Seconds later the sounds of suppressed semi automatic fire reach my ears.

Black Cat: Sounds like our guests have arrived.

Y/N: They're armed?

Black Cat: From what I've seen they use small arms to destroy cameras first before infiltration.

I walk to the edge and look over it and sure enough I see cameras on the ground. They must've had some way to catch the cameras after disabling them.

Y/N: How'd you know they'd be here?

Black Cat: Call it a hunch. Now then let's stop them from stealing whatever it is they're after...and maybe I'll consider putting it back once we're done.

Y/N: Change of heart huh?

Black Cat: Maybe. Or maybe I'm just in a good mood tonight.

Y/N: Huh...well what've you got in terms of a plan?

Black Cat: Oh web-head I'm hurt, you didn't look at my flash drive?

Y/N: Well...I had a lot of homework.

Black Cat: You my accomplice are going to follow after them, take them down with your witty little insults.

Y/N: Uh-Huh pretty standard so far.

Black Cat: And these guys move in large numbers sooo you do the heavy lifting and I'll help you out where I can.

Y/N: And what exactly do you get out of this?

Black Cat: A loss of competition.

I sigh.

Y/N: Welp time to get webby.

I jump off the roof and land on the ground.

Y/N: Augh my knees!

Black Cat: Aren't you supposed to be a professional superhero?

Y/N: Super? Yes. Hero? I'd like to think I am. Pro? Eh not a newbie at least.

She lands next to me gracefully.

Black Cat: Remember to bend your knees.

She taps my nose before sauntering inside and I follow after her.

Y/N: Hmm now if I were a gaggle of museum robbers where would I...

Black Cat: This way.

She walks towards an area of the museum labeled Egyptian artifacts.

Y/N: Huh...all I'm missing is a mummy.

As we walk through the museum I pick up on the sounds of talking.

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