Back in Black

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Leeeezzz goooo I'm running on nothing but energy drinks! Gotta love barracks living!

Y/N's POV:

I end up outside of my school deciding that I need to take the rest of the afternoon for myself.

I mean after all don't I deserve a day to breathe? I even left my suit at home.

Which was admittedly pretty weird for me. I mean I always have it with me.

Venom: Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah?

I walk through the street talking to the new voice in my head. Yeah it's really weird having a second voice in my head but somehow I find Venom's presence comforting. Almost like he's an old friend of mine or someone who truly gets me.

Venom: We can be so much more than you realize. We could change things.

There's a weird animalistic growl to his voice.

Y/N: Real change huh?

I hear the sounds of sirens in the distance and I take off running.

Y/N: Uhh I left my stuff at home.

Venom: Keep going.

I just nod my head and keep my feet moving. I end up turning down an alley per Venom's suggestion.

Y/N: Now what?

Venom: Climb and let me handle the rest.

Y/N: I mean...yeah why not?

I start climbing up the wall when I feel a sudden surge of power. My brain goes haywire as the feeling blankets me. My vision goes black for all of a second.

Before I know it I'm swinging through the air faster than ever. I don't know how or why I can swing without my web shooters but I'm not complaining.

Despite how strange it is, I feel alive. I feel better than I ever have. And somehow even stronger.

I glance into a nearby window and catch a glimpse of myself.

I glance into a nearby window and catch a glimpse of myself

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As I swing through the city I follow the sounds of sirens. I arrive at the scene of a bank robbery.

Y/N: Well what have we here?

I stick to the side of a wall. From what I've gathered the robbers have taken hostages and are threatening to kill one every 5 minutes their demands aren't met.

Venom: We can stop them. For good.

Y/N: For good...

I glance at the roof of the bank. Normally I'd make a more stealthy entrance. But not this time. I want them to see me. I want everyone to see me.

Venom: Yesss.

And before I know it my body moves on it's own as I jump from the building with enough force to not only leave a dent in the wall but to shatter some nearby windows.

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