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Lez goooo

Y/N's POV:

I lay in my room tired and battered. My back hurts like all hell regardless of how I try to lay down.

There's a knock at my door.

May: Hey are you decent?

Y/N: Y-Yeah?

She opens the door and takes in the look of discomfort on my face.

May: Dear god Y/N what happened to you?

Y/N: I uhh slept crookedly?

May: Your all banged up!

She sits down on my bed next to me.

May: Who did this to you?

The Vulture.

Y/N: No one May, really I slept awkwardly.

May: Can you just stop lying to me?

Y/N: May please just trust me.

She just shakes her head at me.

May: I raised you to be many things Y/N. But a liar is not one of them.

She walks out of my room. I feel guilt start to set in. Great now Spider-Man's life is messing up Y/N's life.

I pull myself up from my bed groaning. I've got to figure out what this bird wants and how to beat them.

I open up my old laptop and start to look into the Vulture. From the article of his first attack a reporter asked the VIP what the attack was about.

He was pretty vague and chalked it up to a disgruntled employee. However he did provide a name.

Adrian Toomes. A former electronics engineer who worked with a Gregory Bestman.

Seems like he got cheated out of the credit of his wings. Maybe I should pay a visit to his former partner and see what he knows about how they work.

May: Hey Y/N cmere for a second.

I leave my room and find May sitting at the dinner table. She motions for me to sit so I do.

May: Until your ready to tell me the truth then your grounded. You are to come home straight after school. And no more sneaking out to Felicia's.

Y/N: But May-

May: But nothing, please Y/N I don't like doing this to you. But I can't be worrying about you everyday.

I hold back my reasoning and just nod. There's no point.

May: Go to your room and do some work.

I get up and walk back into my room. I close the door behind me and get my suit out.

Y/N: Sorry May.

I start to put it on and sigh.

Y/N: But the longer the Vulture is out the longer people will be in danger.

I quietly open my window and jump out. I start swinging off to the company Toomes was apart of.

Once I make it I see that it's a large tower like building. CEO office has to be top floor.

Y/N: Great I skipped leg day and now my arms are going to be too large for my body.

I swing onto the building and start climbing up it. I eventually make it to the top and find Bestman. I knock at his window and he jumps at the sudden noise.

Y/N: Hey we needa talk! Can you hear me in there?!

He nods and holds up one of his fingers. He then starts to pump his hand up and down meaning we can talk on the roof.

I nod and climb up the rest of the building. I'm joined by Bestman a minute later.

Bestman: Spider-Man. I never thanked you for what you did when the Vulture attacked me.

Y/N: Look I know that you stole his idea. I'm not here to call you out on it.

I glance down at the street below.

Y/N: If you have the plans or any information on his wings I really need those.

Bestman: And why would I give you what's mine?

Y/N: Legally yours, intellectually it's Toomes. But that aside I need to know how those work so I can actually beat him.

He studies the eyes of my mask before sighing.

Bestman: I can't just give you the plans.

Y/N: You realize that if you don't help me then there's a good chance he'll kill me. And then there will be no one in New York who can keep him from coming after you.

I gauge is reaction before continuing.

Y/N: But if you help me then there's a good chance I can beat him. And your life won't be endangered by him any further.

He sighs before nodding.

Bestman: I can let you look at them. But under no circumstance are you to take the plans or photograph them.

Y/N: You have my word.

We then go inside to his office. He opens up a safe before handing me a blueprint. I open it and start looking it over.

Overall the wings are tough as nails. They have two turbines that help with balancing and powering them. However majority of the wings power comes from a small portable generator on the Vultures back.

The wings need to be kept at a constant power level. If there's too little energy then it just slows down and becomes less effective but still gives the operator time to land. But if there's too much energy then the whole thing internally self destructs and stops working. Which means they become completely useless.

I've got to find a way to overcharge it. I can't risk the Vulture getting away.

Y/N: Thank you.

I hand him back the blue prints.

Y/N: I'll be going now.

Bestman: Good luck Spider-Man.

I nod and leave the building before swinging towards home. And then I get an idea.

Below me are two officers in the middle of arresting a mugger. So I land on a car behind them.

Y/N: Hey sorry but I really need this.

I web one of their tasers off of their belt and into my hand. They whip around to look at me and I give them a two finger salute.

I swing back home and sneak into my room. I quickly discard my costume and hide the taser as May enters.

May: Where were you?

I sigh knowing she must've came into my room at some point.

Y/N: Uhh...Felicia's?

May: I can't believe you! I told you to stop sneaking out! And what do you do?

Y/N: Sneak out...

May: Why can't you just understand that i'm worried about you?!

Y/N: I'm sorry...

May: Give me your electronics. Until you can learn to respect my rules then your not allowed to have anything.

I nod my head and trudge off to my room. I collect all of my stuff and give it to her. Once she finishes lecturing me i'm sent to my room.

Y/N: I've got to get better at this part.

I sigh and pull out the taser before taking it apart.

Y/N: Let's hope this works.

Aaaand scene

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