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Lez gooo

Y/N's POV:

Electro: Look out New comes Electro.

Y/N: Really? Electro?

I groan as I shake off the tingling feeling all over my body. This guy can pack a punch. Taser webs wouldn't be of any use.

Electro: Your a lot tougher than I gave you credit for Spider-Man. I'm sorry that it had to come to this.

Y/N: There's still time. Let me help you!

Electro: No one can help me. Now get out of my way!

He swipes his hand and a bolt of electricity comes flying at my forehead. I duck down as the hairs on the back of my neck stand up from the close call.

Y/N: Why is it always the hard way with you guys?!

I web his chest and yank him towards me. As he's coming closer I see electricity racing up my web.

Y/N: Oh this is just not cool!

I detach the web in time to avoid being shocked. I then quickly close the distance and sweep his feet out from underneath him.

Y/N: Caught ya slipping!

As he falls down I hammer my fist into his face. The back of his head makes contact with the pavement.

Electro: Grah!

He grabs onto my wrist. As soon as he makes contact with me I feel my body get shocked.

Y/N: Augh!

I fire a web onto a wall and yank myself away. Once i've created some distance I start to catch my breath.

If I even touch him i'm bound to get zapped. How am I supposed to combat electricity?! Think Y/N think.

My thoughts are cut off as someone new enters the scene.

Jai: Hey what's going on here?!

Of course. Someone I know would be here.

Electro: Get outta here kid.

Jai: No. Your in my neighborhood causing trouble for everyone here.

Electro looks around and sees people staring at Jai, Electro and I.

Jai: Your messing with our peace of mind! Scram!

Electro: Last warning kid.

Electro holds up his hand as electricity dances in his palm.

Jai: Make me.

Electro: Poor choice of words.

I fire a web onto Jai's shoulder and pull him away as the spot he was just in gets bombarded with Electro's wrath.

Y/N: While I appreciate the help your better off staying away from this guy.

Jai: I want to help!

Y/N: Trust me you'd be more help to me if you were out of the way.

I jump off the wall and web Jai to a wall.

Y/N: That'll dissolve soon enough!

I turn my attention back to Electro. I see that he's tiring out. He must be running out of juice.

Y/N: Had enough?

Electro: Hardly!

He aims his hand at Jai. With no time to react I put myself in front of my friend as once again a bolt of electrify careens into my chest.

I drop to my knees as steam comes off of my suit. I'm really going to feel this in the morning.

Jai: He's getting away!

I try to stand up but fall to my knee as Electro escapes.

Y/N: Dang it.

I take a deep breath before pushing myself up and leaning against the wall.

Jai: Hey are you okay?

Y/N: I got practically fried to a crisp and the bad guy got away. Yeah i'm just peachy.

Jai: Did I get in your way?

Y/N: Yeah kinda. Why would you try to pick a fight with someone who's deranged and has powers?

He drops his head and sighs.

Jai: I just wanted to be like you.

Y/N: Next time save the super powered fighting to the semi professional.

I turn to swing away.

Jai: Wait aren't you going to cut me out of here?

Y/N: Nah it'll dissolve in an hour and I really have to go.

I swing off to go home. Along the way I start to think back to my encounter.

I could've helped him. How? I don't know. Maybe I could've hid him, figured out how to use his powers for good.

I land in the alley near my apartment. Looking around to make sure i'm in the clear I nod to myself. I start taking off my suit and throwing it into a bag.

Y/N: Now to get inside.

I start to slowly walk up the fire escape. If i'm quiet enough maybe just maybe I can get away with sneaking back inside.

Then again she already figured out that I had been sneaking out. She's gotta have a good ear for this stuff.

Maybe if I get something to distract her with? I could probably throw something at her window to startle her.

Or I could try to just open up my window. Who knows?

As I reach the window sounds of loud music start to fill my ears. Now would be a good time to get in without being heard.

So I open up my window quietly and slip in. I close the window and thankfully May isn't waiting for me.

Y/N: Time to hit the hay.

3rd Person POV:

Outside of an electrical plant Electro is seen standing alone. In his arms are varies pieces of equipment.

Electro: They'll see. They'll all see.

He sets down his equipment and begins absorbing the power.

Lights all across the surrounding start to flicker. Tv's shut off, WiFi goes out and even the fridges stop running.

Electro: This...Power!

Y/N's POV:

I stare at my phone as various texts from Jai enter my eyes. Majority of which are about how he ran into Spider-Man.

I reply with a simple but believable answer. That being I was doing homework.

Satisfied with my answer I toss my phone to the side and actually get started on my homework. Assignments have been piling up but it's nothing I can't handle.

God I really have to get my whole life together. What good would New York's superhero do if he's on house arrest? Besides not like I can just tell May that I'm Spider-Man and expect her to let me go out every night.

Oh well.

Aaaand scene

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