Chapter 29 - Shopping in Detriot

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Michigan is a truly beautiful place. Everywhere in America that I've been so far is absolutely amazing. With only two weeks left in America, I have to get some of my shopping done. I'm not going to get it all in Detriot. We planned shopping in Dallas, Texas also, but Detroit seemed like a nice place to take a bit of a break from the bus. The bus actually does get annoying after a while.

I must have been looking up front beside the driver for an hour before anyone else woke up. I never did want to bother anyone so I just got up and helped the driver out with the navigating the way, which was mainly a straight path, but even just a tad bit of help saves a life y'know...

The first one to wake up was Ashton.

"Hi Nikki. Talking with the driver?"

"Yeah telling him that you need a girlfriend and you need one soon. You're getting to be a bit of a loner and its kind of bumming me out. Luke's beginning to notice."

"Probably only because you wont give him his needs."

"Oh shut up, I bet you are still a virgin."

"No way." He admits, going red.

"Oh my gosh, this is huge guys. This is huge. Ashton is not a virgin. I repeat not a virgin." I say in mock shock and he laughs.

"Sometimes I hate you but I have to love you becuase of Luke."

"Oh who are you kidding, if I wasnt Luke's you would be all over me."

He just laughs and I look smugly at him raising my eyebrow.

"That's a lie."

"Whatever Irwin."

"You know, you guys are probably the best part of my day today. Thank you." The bus driver announces, and I bow with Ashton and the driver just laughs.

Luke comes in and looks at the both of us confused.

"You flirting with my girlfriend Irwin?"

"No, she's your property."

I give him a kiss on the cheek and leave to the bathroom to get dressed for the morning.

Once I enter the bathroom, I quickly locked the door and kind of just sat there. I think a lot, not quite sure why in here of all places, but this is probably the quietest and loneliest spot to be. Perfect for thinking alone and in peace. I dont have to worry about the others bothering me and stuff. That's quite the relief and joy. It makes me happy to be in peace, even if it is just for a few minutes.

Of course, if I spend too long people will think I'm doing something and then I would never be able to lock myself in the bathroom again without Luke breathing down my neck, so I have to limit myself to a few minutes and then I need to start changing.

Well, thats exactly what I do. Then, when I exit everyone else is dressed, but that's normally how it works. They all try to get dressed while I am so as to not waste time.

While in the bathroom, I had also done the basics like brush my teeth, brush my hair, applied make up and stuff like that.

"I hardly ever get to see your beautiful natural look. You always cover it with artificial shit that hides my beautiful future wife."

"Well this artificial shit makes me feel pretty."

"I can make you feel pretty baby girl." He says, close to my ear. It runs chills up my spine, and I try to hide it but I am pretty sure that he noticed.

"Its shopping time!" I say when he parks in the parking lot of the mall.

As soon as the door opens I run off and into the first door that leads to the mall. I dont care to wait for the boys, they can go wherever they want. I'm going to go find me some new fancy clothes that will help me with my style.

Luke eventually catches up to me and follows me around, helping me figure out my outfits. He doesnt seem to mind, even though he would have been free to hang out with the guys for the time being. I like my alone time, but I also dont mind if he is here, because I would hate to buy something that he doesnt like because then I would probably never wear it if Luke doesn't like it at all.

The day actually goes by pretty quickly and I pick out a few outfits. I havent spent very much because there really isnt much that I absolutely love. The stores are a bit different, not much but also pretty close.

I saw quite a few couples shopping, but the guy didnt seem to be very interested in helping the girl with her clothing choices. It makes me feel as if Luke tries to hard, but I know that he just wants to show his love for me. It is actually pretty sweet, so I cant really tell him to stop. Plus, it is kind of useful.

"We should go in here." Luke says, pointing at Victoria's Secret which is obviously a bra and underwear store.

"I am not going in there."

"Why not?"

"I already have enough of that stuff." I say, still walking past the store.

"Can we go in here then?" He asks begging as he points at Build-A-Bear Workshop.

I couldnt say no, because I kind of wanted a bear or something from that place.

"Let's go in." I say, causing the smile on his face to form larger.

"You're an amazing girlfriend. Can we each get our own?"

"Yeah, I am planning on it."

Walking in, there were plenty of choices and I didnt know which one to pick. I finally decided on a purplish bear. Luke picked out a brown bear.

We then have to go to the stuffing station, where before stuffing we have to give it a heart. They made us rub it on places like our nose and eyes for smell and for it to see. It was pretty cool and then we picked out some outfits and shoes, made a certificate of birth for the bear, and then bought them and left.

After that, we left the mall all together and went back to the van. The other boys were waiting and then almost instantly we ate at a fast food restaurant and headed for the highway.

i hope this wasnt too bad. sorry for not updating for like half a month jdkfdkjfla im such a bad person xD love y'all x

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