Chapter 26 - Alex

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Luke's POV

She jumps right into this mystery "Alex's" arms, and I honestly can't lie. I was jealous. He's everything I'm not... He is a brunette, has chocolate brown eyes, and insanely tan. Alex is actually quite tall, but not as tall as I am. Actually, he is the perfect height for her. I just can't find anything that would make them not be an obviously cute couple. If I wasnt with her, then I would probably ship them... But I love her. I love her so fucking much.

It kills me seeing her in his arms, nestling her head into his neck. It makes me want to rip him in half. I guess I know how she felt on the last plane ride...

As soon as that thought went through my head, I lost it.

"I'll be back guys." I say to the boys, and they nod.

I have to get fresh air before I break down. I rush to find an area where i can breathe, but I dont have any luck... I just need to find a spot.

After searching for a while, I finally found a spot against a wall to sit and I have sort of room. I just sit there. I don't care what the people around me think. I'm a guy dressed in all black crying in the middle of an airport, but I don't care. I don't really. I just need air.

I spend the max of two or three minutes sitting there until I get up and go to find the boys. They were in the exact same spot, and I walk up happily.

"Lukey, you're back!" She says, happily, and I smile. I don't want her to know why I left.

"You left before I could introduce Alex..."

"Well, introduce him to me then." I say, smiling genuinely to her.

"This is Alex. He helped me get back on my feet when you left. He became a really good friend to me. Of course, he never took your spot. Nobody could, but he helped a lot."

"Nice to meet the legendary Luke Hemmings at last." He says, with a somewhat sour tone. I kind of expected it. He isn't going to forgive me right off the back for leaving Nikki for two years. Although, he is being a good sport about it

"Nice to meet you too, Alex." I say, holding my hand out to shake his hand, but he pulls me in for a hug. Him being just under six feet, it was kind of awkward. I'm used to the hugs with the boys where they are the same height as me.

"Hurt her again, I swear pretty boy then I will hurt you." He says, warning me. I could tell he was being completely serious.

"I know. If I hurt her again, I will probably hurt myself." I say seriously, and Alex smiles. I could tell that it was genuine. That made me happy.

"Someone is a little whipped... What did Nikki do to you?"

"What can I say? Her lips are a drug..." I say, going along with his joke, "I get high all the time off of her."

"So why are you in America?" Nikki asks Alex.

"Right when you started touring with them, I made a trip to America for two weeks and met a girl I really like and I'm visiting her and your mom somehow worked it out for me to help pick you guys up."

"You finally found yourself a girl!" She says, wiggling her eyebrows, causing everyone to laugh.

"Now lets head on our way?" Alex asks, and the rowdy boys all nod their heads like children who want candy, myself being one of them.

We finally head on our way out.

"Luke." Nikki says, and I look at her.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What's wrong?" She asks, stopping me from walking with everyone else.

"What do you mean?"

"You seem, sad or reserved."


"Are you jealous silly?" She asks, not even letting me finish.

"Yeah.. But that's not all.."

"Then what is it Luke?"

"Seeing you with him made me feel like thats how you felt on the plane when I was being a jerk, except worse, and I felt really bad... That's why I left. I had to go cry without anyone seeing..." I say, kicking at dust on the floor.

She tucks her hand under my chin and makes me look into her eyes.

"I love you. I love him. I'm in love with you. He's just a friend. That dispute was forgiven long ago. You made it clear you love me and wouldn't do it again. Yes, it hurt so fucking much, but I didnt tell Alex about it because he wouldn't understand. He wouldn't know that its the past. He still hangs onto you leaving me. I understand that you left me. If I knew why you left then I would be more hurt because I couldnt do anything with you. When you just left, I had a chance to think that you'll come back and I never knew you were popular so I didnt have to worry that you'd move on. I knew that you'd most likely miss me like I missed you and come back. I knew you wouldnt leave behind our ten year friendship. I love you."

When she finishes, there are tears in her eyes, and I'm pretty sure I have tears in my eyes as well.

Once we get out of our sensitive moment, we realize that we really need to catch up to everyone, so we run to catch up with everyone. Since we still have our baggage, it is really tough, but we catch up just before they walk out of the building.

"What were you two doing?" Alex asks, curiously. I guess the other guys knew not to question us.

"Kissing. We thought you guys didnt need to see it." Nikki says bitterly, basically saying 'back the fuck off before i smash in your head'. Obviously, he takes the hint and leads us to the stretched limo that is our ride.

"I'd hate to admit it but you were hot." I whisper in her ear while everyone else was putting up their luggage.

I see her blush and I kiss her cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too." she says.

I take her by surprise and pick her up.

"Wrap your legs around my waist babe." I say, and she does. I take that as my opportunity to kiss her.

"I'm sorry I'm not Alex's height."

"But I love being so short and you so tall. I get to ask you for things on high shelves. Alex cant even reach most high shelves. He's only 5'9."

"Oh.. So you like my height?"

"Yes. Now kiss me you idiot." She says, and I listen.

"Get a room!" Everyone yells.

"Fuck off." She says, and I try not to laugh.

"What have you done to my friend?" Alex asks, getting into the limo.

I put her down and allow us to get into the limo.

"Welcome to America babe." I say, as she cuddles into me on the very comfortable seats.

awwwww okay. this took too long omg xD everytime id try to update my mom would need me. so i was supposed to get it uploaded like 5 days ago. plzzzz dont hate me :( x


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