Chapter 34 - Home Sweet Home

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A week ago, I arrived back home. I ran into my parent's loving arms as soon as I entered the house. They looked beat up, but they were fine. As much I hate to admit it, it was worth it to see my parents again. I had missed them so much. I was just distracted with my love for Luke. I still miss him though, even if I am back home with my parents.

Everyday, despite the time change, we skype or talk on the phone somehow. My day is filled with movies and distractions until nearly midnight when I get a call from Luke. That's my every day habits. My family does spend meals with me. Somehow I find myself eating, only because I don't sleep much. From the lack of energy from lack of sleep, I eat that much extra. Not like I mind though, I'm still at a healthy weight. I'll be fine. I've never really been all that bothered about my weight. I'm just not insecure about that. Others are and I'm just not. I'm not super skinyy, but that's okay. I'm me.

Luke doesn't know yet, but I've started cutting again. It's just a release from the pain inside of me. Coming back to Australia, I realized how lonely I am in real life. Now I am known for knowing Luke, but those people only like me because of that. I don't really consider them my friends, they're using me.

"Honey, it's supper time." My mom says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I follow her to the kitchen where we sit together as a family. Dad at the head of the table, mom and I on the side of him. It's a simple meal and I finish it quickly before excusing myself and going back upstairs. I sit on my bed, but almost instantly my phone starts to ring. I'm getting a skype from Luke.

"Hey babe. I miss you." Luke says, encompassed in his blankets.

"What are you doing? It's like 2 or 3 am for you!" I say, scolding him but not being able to contain the happiness of his voice piercing my hearing.

"It is 3 am but I can't sleep. I just needed to skype you!" He says, with a deep voice that only encompasses him in the mornings after he wakes up.

"You must've been sleeping because you have your morning voice!" I say, laughing at the idiot on the screen.

"Whatever, I was sleeping but now I am lying awake. I'm all alone. I need you." He says, and I smile sadly.

"I'll see you in 57 days."

"Actually, we won't be supporting for the last leg."

"So how long till I see you?"

"Actually there's only 27 days till we are back in Australia. We'll have one last show in Sydney, Australia just 5sos. Then we are off for at least a couple of months. I'll get to spend some precious time with you." He says, smiling. My smile grows and he looks happy.

"How long have you known?" I ask him. He looks down, and looks back up guiltily.

"All week, but I wasn't allowed to tell! And I mailed tickets to you for the Sydney show."

"Are they front row?"

"She's standing in the front row." He sings and I laugh.

"I'm taking that as a yes."

"I'll see you in less than a month."

"I'm glad." I say to him.

"Video chatting isn't the same." He says frowning. I nod my head in agreeance. It definitely isn't the same.

"I miss you." I say.

"I miss you too." He replies.

"I love you." He says, after a few seconds of quiet.

"I love you back." I say, causing him to smile. I smile too, but this isn't how I want to be.

"I don't like this. This isn't how I imagined it being." I say, sadly. He looks upset too.

"It's all my fault."

"It's okay. Your career is important. I don't want you quitting it." I say, reassuring him.

"Luke, go back to sleep. I'll talk to you later." I tell him, seeing his eyelids droop, nearly shutting.

"Night babe." He says, ending the call. He sure does torture himself for me. I wonder why.

This isn't too bad though. And he does look pretty cute during his two in the morning calls...

hey hey hey sorry for the filler... 6 more chapters + epilogue. are you excited for this to end? im not sure if I am or not. this book is my oldest book, so i dont want to let go, but I also want to start up some of my new books....

anyways, self promotion but please check out some of my coming soon books. cx

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