Chapter 12 - Plane Ride Part 1

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We all walk into the airport, and instantly head to security.

Security takes forever, and I honestly hate it. It is important to make sure that there is nothing that might happen, but going through all this trouble is just harsh and I hate it.

The boys paid extra for the TSA precheck so we wouldnt have to take as long, which I enjoy. I am not taking my shoes off. Not a chance.

I didnt have to check my bag, because it was small enough to go in the overhead compartment. All I really have is 5 shirts and pants/shorts, so I knew it wasnt a very big or heavy load. I have a backpack that will be under the seat that contains my necessities, such as my phone charger earphones and my phone.

All of our seats are spread out and I want to cry. I want to be by Luke or at least somebody I know...

We wait at our gate and just sit until they call for us.

Luke and I board first with the other boys behind us.

I put my stuff overhead, and then sit down in my chair, which is 5 rows up from Luke's. After all of the boys get sat down, a 5 year old little girl sits by me, and he mom goes and sits by Luke, so I try to get his attention.

"Luke." I yell and both him and the lady look up.

"Yes Penguin?"

"Ask if you could trade seats with her daughter..."

Luke kindly asks and she obliges, having Luke unbuckle her and bring her to her mommy, and then he comes up and sits by me and a random dude that is quite terrifying.

"Trade me spots?" He asks, and I nod, not wanting to sit by the dude.

"Nikki! Luke! How did you manage to pull that off?" Ashton yells after everyone is on board, causing everyone to notice that 5sos is on the plane.

The girls across the aisle from us are waving and passing pictures for me and Luke to sign.

This is my first time riding an international plane, but it seems like it is alright. They have a screen sitting in front of us, but I just want to play on my phone when it goes up in the air.

"Please put all devices on airplane mode or turn them off. Thank you." My phone was already on airplane mode and Luke put it on airplane mode just then.

The plane starts to roll and the nerves suddenly hit me. This is an international flight. I wont be in Australia anymore. I will be in London England.

The way it is set up is we will fly 8 hours from Sydney to Hong Kong then we will stop for about an hour to refuel then we will fly from Hong Kong to London taking about 12 hours making this a 21 hour trip just for a few concerts... But it will be enjoyable to say the least.

Soon, the plane picks up speed, causing me to not be able to relax, but as soon as Luke's hand is on mine, I calm down and breathe.

The plane starts going up and my ears wont pop, causing me to scowl.

"You are so cute when you scowl." He says, sounding muffled because of my ears being plugged up. At first I was mad, but now I just move the arm rest and cuddle into him.

"I love you Penguin."

"Shut up I was almost asleep."

"Awe. Dont yell at me." He says, wiping a fake tear causing you to laugh.

"Let's listen to music!" He exclaims, and you pull out your phone, but you dont have any good music and he laughs.

"Buy some wifi then."

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