Chapter 40 - Safe and Happy

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Everyone sat around waiting for Luke to announce the 'big news'. He looked nervous. The other guys must've known what was going on because they looked at him as if telling him to get it over with. They didn't look anxious at all like the rest of us.

"Nikki, I've known you since we were four. I remember asking you to be my friend. You just smiled politely and shared your toys. It was the day that started us being best friends. At about age thirteen I knew that I liked you. It felt terrible at first, and for the longest time I was scared you would fall in love with one of your boyfriends. You never did. That I can be thankful for. Now, since we started dating, I've started feeling complete. I know this is really early in our careers and life. I know you aren't ready to start a family, but I am ready to call you my one and only."

I knew what was going on then, so did the crowd. I almost couldn't hold in my excitement when he got down on one knee.

"Nikki, will you be my wife?" He asks shakily.

"Yes." I mutter out through the tears. He stands up, puts the ring on my finger and then hugs me.

I can hear the crowd chanting for us to kiss, but all that matters right now is him. Luke Robert Hemmings.

"We aren't going to kiss on stage. Sorry for the disappointment guys." He admits.

"I will see you guys later. I'm going to let them continue their performance." I say into the microphone. With that, I head back stage and wait for them to finish.

I sit back stage waiting for them to finish, which seems like forever. I didn't feel like going back down there because getting out of the stadium would be really difficult considering there are so many fans in this stadium. I just wish that I could have figured out something to occupy my time. I just laid down and took a nap, that will pass some time at least.

I wake up Luke tickling me. I laugh, well giggle, and he joins me in laughing.

"You're so cute." He says, kissing my cheek.

I sit up to see all of the boys.

"Your hair is a bit messed up." Michael tells me. I thank him before putting my hair up and standing up.

"So how long do we have to wait?" I ask.

"Just a little bit longer till everyone should be gone. No worries." Calum says. I sit back down. It's actually going to be like 30 more minutes till it is clear enough for us to leave, so we might as well get comfortable.

"I would ask if you enjoyed the show, but our songs made you fall asleep, so I really shouldn't ask you."

"I bet I would have loved it, but I was just really tired. I haven't been able to sleep much since you left." I admit.

"Well I have missed you too." He says, connecting our lips for the first time in months.

It felt nice to be able to feel his lips against mine again. It makes me feel instantly better. His hands roam to my hair and that's when I remember his friends are here.

"Sorry guys. I know how much you hate that." I say sympathetically.

"It's okay, you guys haven't seen each other in a while." Ashton says, smiling. The other boys nod their head in agreeance.

"I've also missed you boys." I admit. They smile.

"We know." Ashton admits. They laugh.

"Yeah, we missed you too." Michael says.

They've all missed me, that's good.

"So soon-to-be Mrs. Hemmings, how do you feel?" Calum asks.

"I feel great. I'm with my best of friends and you guys are all safe and here. I'm engaged now. This is an absolutely amazing afternoon." I say, causing smiles to rise to all of their faces.

I love these lads so damn much.

do you guys want the epilogue tonight or in 5 days? idk.

anyways, thanks for reading! cx ily x

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