Chapter 35 - I Miss You

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maybe be a tad triggering... and sorry its short...

Another last night, another skype call...

"I miss you." I say as soon as I answer the call. He always is the one to call. He seems to want to talk to me more than i'd think. He's a great boyfriend to have really. If only he wasn't travelling the world... Then I would be about 100% happier. He;s following his dreams though. I'm not mad. He should have fun. I just don't like that he has a distraction, a healthy one anyways. My distraction includes making me bleed, and no one thinks I should. Honestly though, its the best distraction from reality that is available to me.

"I miss you too babe. I'll be home in 2 weeks. Just 14 short days and I'll be able to kiss your beautiful smile off your enticing lips."

"Are you horny or something, Luke?" I ask, trying not to laugh at him.

"Only a little. I only have Michael to settle my needs." He says, frowning.

"Isn't he with Calum?"

"Yeah... They're in a fight right now..."

"What? Why?" I ask, completely bewildered and appaled at the new information.

"Calum got drunk and had sex with another guy..." Luke says.

I must've looked shocked, and he just nodded along with me.

"Let me talk to them." I say, sternly. He just rolls his eyes and calls for them.

"Do we have to be close together?" Michael asks.

"Just talk to me, for two minutes. Okay?" I ask, they look at each other and nod.

"Calum... Why did you get drunk?"

"I was stressed."

"Where were you at Michael?"

"I took an early night." He says innocently, clearly still mad at the tan boy beside him.

"Calum, did you know what you were doing?"

"No, I actually remember the guy getting mad because I called him Michael..." Calum says, looking down and blushing. Michael looks shocked.

"Maybe you should have given him a chance to explain Michael. He was too drunk to know and thought it was you. I bet you that stress gets to you too. " I say, calmly and collectedly.

"Thank you." They both say, still staying in front of the computer screen.

"Now go back to your bunks and kiss the hell out of each other. Enjoy it." I say, seeing Luke coming back.

"Hello gorgeous." He says, looking still tired from the day.

"Hey there handsome." I say, smiling towards him. I don't know what I would do without him. He's honestly the best guy I can imagine.

"I'm really tired." I admit to him.

"I'll let you sleep then. Night babe."

"Night Lucifer."

"I am not the devil, except in bed."

"Well, sorry, I wouldn't know. See you in 14 days at your concert." I say, then end the skype call.

Him being gone really hits me where it hurts, but the fact that I know that he will be back soon is amazing. I just want to be in his arms. I just want to be able to smell him. I'm irrevocably in love with him, and he just makes me so happy. I love him and he loves me. That's all that's important.

I get to see him in fourteen short days.

Please don't fuck up my hopes life.

sorry its so short buuuut next chapter will be longer(i hope) i just couldnt put two days in one chapter, it defeats my whole plan... and i just thought this chapter is filling enough. xx

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