Chapter 7 - Dreams Really Do Come True

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"Did that just happen?" Calum asks, when Luke and I finally stop kissing.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." Luke says breathlessly because of our first kiss.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted you to do that." I say looking straight into his beautiful, gorgeous, blue eyes, that melt my heart. I can't feel my knees, but somehow I am still standing up.

"You're a giant. I was on my tippy toes kissing you and you still had to freaking lean down..." I say, as he cracks a gorgeous smirk. Why am I thinking this stuff? We are still just best friends.

"Maybe you are just really petite..."

I laugh, as I lay down in his/my bed and just listen to the sound of the outside world.

Why does this have to be so hard? I can't just lay beside Luke without thinking about our kiss... What if we ruined our friendship? What if we will ruin our friendship in the future?

Breathe in, breathe out. We are fine, for now...

His arms wrap around my waist, and I jump.

"Did I scare you?" He asks, and I nod my head yes.


"I get scared easily, don't judge." I say, lightly punching him.

"Is that all you got missy?"

I punch him as hard as I can in the arm, and he squeals like a girl.

"Ha. You are such a little girl!" He tickles me, and I scream just like he did.

"That's not fair, I am a little girl!" I protest, and he laughs.

Its only the truth though...

"I caught that on camera by the way, and I am posting it. You two can't stop me..." Ashton says, and we both just laugh, not caring.

So are they dating now?

They can't just ignore that kiss.

I felt the sparks in America... They are meant to be

Dont ignore fate Lukki!

I just look at him, and his face isn't showing emotion. I dont know what to think of this situation...

"The fans are right. You guys cant ignore what just happened..." Calum says, speaking up.

The others, including One Direction, agree, and we just look at each other, equally confused.

"We need to think about it." Luke says, and I nod in agreement.

"Fine, lets get to bed, we have a show tomorrow, so guess what that means..." Calum says.

"Sound check!" They all exclaim in sync. They mustve practiced that... Yeah.

We head off to bed, but the only thing that changes between me and Luke is that he holds me even closer than before.


I wake up at 3 am and see that the bathroom is right there, tempting me like never before.

I lightly get out of bed, and go to the bathroom.

I look around for my blade but it is nowhere in sight.

I look everywhere, except...

I get a step stool and look on top of the cabinet, and see my neatly wrapped up blade with a sticky note on it.

Please don't do this

-5sos and 1D


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