Chapter 39 - Happiness

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"Money can't buy happiness." I tell the girl waiting in line for food. She seems to think her necklace from her boyfriend is what's keeping them together. If that's true then they don't love properly. They don't have an actual relationship filled with care for the other person.

"But money can buy jewelry, and that makes me happy." She argues. I was just about done with her.

"Real happiness is loving a person so much. You'd feel rich, even when you're living on the streets. Real happiness is thinking of being able to see your boyfriend again after being away for a while."

"Whatever." She says, stepping out of the line.

"Your real happiness is seeing Luke again isn't it?" The girl behind the counter asks. She's the same girl as earlier.

"How do you know me so well?" I ask her jokingly.

"Do you know what you want?"

"No. I'm sorry."

"Dont worry, take your time."

"I feel like I'm stopping up the line." I say, trying to concentrate on the menu.

"I just want a water please and a piece of pizza. Sausage please." I say.

She tells the others my order, and I start to pull out money.

"It's covered with the huge tip you gave me earlier."

"Thanks." I say, politely standing and waiting for my food.

"Like you said, money can't buy happiness." She says, handing me my order.

I head back to my seat and sit right down next to the pretty friend of mine.

"The show is so close to starting."

"We still have to make it through the opening act which will be like an extra 20 minutes of not seeing our husbands." She admits, laughing at herself. I join her, so I can attempt to pass more time.

Eventually the lights are going down and then back up revealing young boys that look similar to 5sos except their lead singer doesn't play guitar.

The fans in the crowd kept complaining that they were copy cats and stuff like that. It was sad, but truthful. The poor guys though tried really hard. They left sad and I just wanted to go up there and hug them. I knew that I couldn't fix anything though, so I just sat there.

Thinking back to the first ever concert I came to, the One Direction fans didn't appreciate the 5sos boys very much either. These fans are all ruthless people. The 5sosfam are the people I can actually stand. They are the real reason that the boys are here and that I am happy to be part of the 5sosfam. They've been welcoming. The new fans not so much. Don't get me wrong, if they support the boys, I love them, but some of these new 'fans' don't appreciate the boys. They hate on everything in between them and the boys, including other fans. The new fans mob the boys and I and I am just sick of it. Sick and tired of my safety being threatened.

"Excuse me, Nikki. I hope you don't mind that I ask for an autograph." A girl beside me asks. I smile to her and sign the paper.

"Can you just tell the boys that I love them and that they should never give up on their dreams?" She asks me.

"Of course sweetie. What's your name?"

"Megan." She answers shyly.

"That's a pretty name." I say to her. She looks about 14 or 15. She's so pretty.

"Who's your favorite?" I ask her.


"Oh, cool. By the way, I like your nose piercing." I tell her.

"Thanks. I think I'll leave you alone now. Sorry for the trouble." She says, getting up and walking off before I had the chance to tell her that I enjoy her company.

Suddenly, the boys come running out.

"How are y'all tonight?" Luke yells into the crowd, causing them to scream out with happiness and joy. That's my boyfriend everyone...

"I'm Calum. This is Ashton. This is Michael. This is Luke. And we are 5 Seconds of Summer."

The crowd yells out 'I know' from every which way, causing the boys to laugh.

"I guess we aren't just an opening act here, we were made here in Australia!" Ashton says, earning even more screams from the crowd.

"Well, we are going to play some songs for you guys. I hope you guys are doing well." Michael says, smiling to the crowd.

The boys all look so happy to be back in Australia. I've sure missed them.

"Hi Nikki." Luke says to me without the microphone. I can barely hear him but I smile to him and wave. He laughs at my small little figure on the front row, but blows a kiss to me and walks off. All the girls now know that I will be Luke's center of attention. Great.

They play Good Girls then they stop.

"Okay, normally we wouldn't take a break from singing. I really need my girlfriend up on this stage right now though. So can you guys help get her up here?" Luke says, looking hopeful to the crowd as I get through security and up on the stage.

"I don't think security likes this." I admit to him.

"Hi babe." He says, kissing my cheek and rushing me to the front of the stage.

"Before you start anything Luke, can I tell you something?" I ask. He hands me the microphone.

"Hey guys. I just want to tell you guys that I met one of you guys earlier. Her name is Megan. She's so cute and has this nose piercing and stuff. She's a Mikey girl. I really think she deserves to meet Michael. I honestly do." I say, looking to Michael.

"Bring her on up." He says.

She stands up in the crowd and walks up to security.

"Is this Melanie?" They ask me, and I nod my head, helping her onto the stage.

"Melanie, meet Michael."

"You're beautiful." Michael says, looking into her petite figure.

"Thanks." She says, looking down.

"You know, if I weren't gay for Calum, you would totally be my type." He admits to her. Only the other boys and I could hear him though.

"Oh my gosh..." She says, looking really happy.

"Can I have your number dear?" He asks, and she types her name and number into his phone. She'll never forget this concert...

She exits the stage, going back to her seat.

"Now, here is for my important news." Luke says, looking at me.

The crowd didn't know what to think.

Honestly, neither did I.

oh hey how are you? well thanks for reading. one more chapter and then an epilogue.... i went ahead and started my other luke book though... its called 'tape' and its a sadish story. i think you might like it cx

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