Chapter 37 - I Just Wanna See You

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"You really need to eat something." My mom has been telling me all this past week. Today, today I will get to see him again, there's no reason for her to make me eat. I actually ate. Seeing him again is finally in sight. He's back on the continent of Australia. Just a few short hours till I see him in concert. Just a few short hours, and I will be reunited with him. It seems like I haven't seen him in forever, although it's only been a few months. I hope he missed me as much as I missed him.

"Honey, your phone is ringing!" I hear my mom yell. I run down stairs to see my phone ringing on the island. It's from Luke. It isn't a Skype, so I internally frown, but I answer his phone call anyways.

"Hey babe." He sounds kind of sad.

"What is it Luke?" I ask, concerned as to why he sounds so sad.

"I wanted to see you before the concert, but as soon as we get to the arena we'll have just enough time to change and get out onto the stage. They even have to make them stall for us, like I don't really know why it makes me so sad. I just wanted to see you..." He says.

"That's sweet. I'll see you after the concert though and it will all be okay. Don't be sad. Go have fun on stage Luke!"

"I will try. I really will, but I just miss you so much!"

"Trust me, I miss you too. I'll see you after the concert tonight." I say, ending the phone call and heading back up to my room.

I have to get ready for tonight. I need to look like I've been okay. I can't let him think that he's been hurting me as bad as he had. That could destroy his career and I am sure as hell not going to let his career crash and burn because of me. He can't give up on music, it's his passion. I'm not letting myself get away with hurting him.

I hear vibrating from my pocket, and look at my phone to see Ashton calling me. That's interesting... Let's see what he has to say.

"Hello Ashton." I answer, sounding bored even though not trying to.

"I need your help."

"With what is that?"

"I need you to tell me how to impress someone on stage."


"You know that girl that i met in Texas?"


"We planned for her to fly out to Australia for a few weeks and I gave her front row tickets right next to you... But I really want to impress her."

"Aww you're sweet Ashton." I say, all girly like. I cause a grunt from Ashton, making me smile to myself.

"I seriously need help though."

"Okay, okay. Just wear something nice, and maybe mention that she's there and make her all happy. Oh and look at her and basically sing to her."

"That's all?"

"She'll love it. Trust me Ashy Poo."

"Don't call me that. And thanks."

"You're welcome. Oh and is Luke okay?"

"Yeah, he said that he's trying to be happy since he gets to see you soon. He's playing cards with Malum right now. They seem to be doing fine."

"That's good. I'll see you around later. Have fun with the girl. What's her name?"


"That's a pretty name. She's amazing for you."




"Your ship name. Alyston."

"That's nice." He says, and I can already tell he's blushing.

"What should I wear for tonight?" I ask him.

"I dont really know. Ask Michael, he has the best style."

"Thanks man." I say, hanging up.

I contemplate calling him right then, becuase he was playing a card game. Should I?

I might as well, I can't wait forever. Now or never. So I scroll through my contacts and find the M's quickly before pressing his contact and calling him.

"Hello Nikki." He says, sounding as if he's walking away from them.

"Hi, I need help picking my outfit and I was directed towards you." I say.

"Oh well, it is my specialty I guess. Umm... Any ideas of what you want to wear?"

"Casual but dressy. Y'know?"

"I know exactly what you mean... Umm your black dress with your black vans?"

"Oh I never even thought of that!" I admit, face palming.

"You're welcome by the way." He says, lightly chuckling.

"Oh, yeah thank you so much."

"Luke will love that dress."

"Wait, did you go through my closet? I've never worn that dress."

"Maybe... Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't really matter. I was just curious mate."

"Okay, well I need to get back to the card game."

"Have fun." I say, allowing him to be the first to hang up.

Now I just have to get ready and then I'll be ready to go.

Putting on the dress and vans, I also apply the normal amount of make up and head downstairs.

"Honey, you look beautiful." Mom tells me.

"John, get in here."

My dad walks in and smiles.

"Good thing we don't have to fly this time, it's closer now." He says. "Oh and you look great honey."

"Thanks dad."

"Are you driving yourself honey?" Mom asks me, and I nod my head.

"I can drive myself." I say, smiling at my mom and dad.

"You look so grown up and you're in love with Luke. I think all of our dreams came true." Dad says, causing mom to tear up.

"I need to head over there. I might be staying with Luke tonight."

"That's okay. We'll see you soon." Mom says, as I walk out the door.

I get in the car and realize I forgot my keys.

"Missing these?" Dad asks, as i run up and snatch them and finally start my car and drive off to see the absolute love of my life.

Saying I'm excited is underrated, really underrated.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading and we are within weeks of this being completed. Thank you so much for everything. If you would like, you can read my other books... I actually think they have better plots than this, but this is one of my most read books so idk. Anyways, another chapter will be up in 5 days again xx

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