Chapter 11 - On The Way To The Airport

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"What? I'm trying to sleep!" I say, mumbling, almost incoherently.

"We have to go."

I suddenly awake, remembering it is the day I am leaving Australia.

"Do I have time to call my mom?"

"Sure. Try to be quick."

I nod my head, and walk off into the back room for some privacy as I dial the all too familar number.

"Hey there Nikki."

"Hi mom. I am about to leave for England."

"You are in good hands and have a good job. Just be happy. You get to travel like you always wanted to!"

"But I will miss you and dad so much!"

"Dont worry about us. We will be fine. Just dont die while you are over there."

"I wont mother."

She hangs up and I sit there for a minute before going back out to check up on the boys.

"Are we all almost ready?" They all vigorously nod their heads and I lead them out to the vehicle that will be transporting us to the airport, which happens to be a van.

We all jump in and decide where to sit.

"As long as I am by Nikki I am fine." Luke says, being the cheeky son of a gun that he is.

"As long as I sit by the love of my life who was my best friend for the longest time... I'll be fine."

"Stop being so cute and just get in the van. We all were going to let you guys sit by each other so just get in." Michael says, obviously getting jealous at the fact that we are all lovey dovey.

"The question is who has to sit with those two love birds." Ashton say, and I look to see that there is 1 van, that can hold a passenger, then there are 3 rows, 3 in each row. 10 people. Ash, Mike, Calum, Luke, me, Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall is equal to 10, so Luke and I will have to sit by someone.

"I nominate Mikey!" Everyone exclaims, laughing after seeing a very angry Mikey.

"How about nose goes?" I suggest and they all agree, and tell me to be the one to say it, since I cant participate and me and Luke have to watch.

"Nose goes!" I exclaim and they all race their fingers to their noses, poor Harry being the last one and he knows it.

"Harold." I say, and he shrugs, getting into the back of the van and we follow his lead, having Luke sit by him and me on the side.

Ash ends up getting the passenger seat. Cal, Mikey, and Louis inhabit the seats in front of us leaving Liam, Niall, and Zayn in the first row of 3.

Luke places his hand on my thigh, and Harry looks very uncomfortable.

"So Harold, how are you?"

"Glad to be able to see my mum finally."

"Awe. Thats precious. Youre a sweet boy Harry."

He blushes and I smile.

"I miss my mum too, am I sweet?" Luke asks begging for a kiss, and I shake my head no fake pouting.

"You are just pitiful Mr. Hemmings." I say, and ignore everyone for the rest of the ride, just listening to some 5sos on my iPhone, not letting them see what I am listening to.

Voodoo Doll comes on and I cant help but sing.

"Tell me where you hide your voodoo doll!" You sing and Luke smirks.

"I mean... Midnight memories!" I sing, and the whole bus laughs, including the driver.

"You love me too much to listen to that shit." He says and pecks my lips.

"Hey!" All the 1D boys chorus, and he laughs.

"Just kidding guys!" He says, and Harry hits him in his chest.

The whole bus starts singing Voodoo Doll

Well I dont even like you

Whyd you want to go and make me feel this way?

And I dont understand whats happened.

I keep saying things I never say.

Cause I can feel you watching, even when youre nowhere to be seen.

And I can feel your touch even when youre far away from me.

Tell me where you hide your voodoo doll

Because i cant control myself.

And I dont wanna stay, I wanna run away,

But I'm trapped up in your smell

And it hurts in my heart and my head and my chest

And Im having trouble catching my breath.

Wont you please stop loving me today?

Well I dont even see my friends no more

Cause I keep hanging out with you.

I dont know why you kept me up all night

Or how I got this tattoo.

Cause I can feel watching even when youre nowhere to be seen

And I can feel your touch even when youre far away from me

Tell me where you hide your voodoo doll

Because I cant control myself.

And I dont wanna stay, I wanna run away,

But Im trapped up in your smell

And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest

And Im having trouble catching my breath

Wont you please stop loving me today?

No no no no.

I can you feel you watching even when you are far away from me

And I can feel your touch even when you are nowhere to be seen.

Everytime I see you suddenly my heart begins to race.

Everytime I leave I dont know why my heart begins to break.

Tell me where you hide your voodoo doll

Because I cant control myself.

And I dont wanna stay, I wanna run away,

But Im trapped up in your smell

And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest

And Im having trouble catching my breath

Wont you please stop loving me today?

"That was fun!" Cal yells and we all agree.

"Nikki can sure sing!" Harry compliments and all the others agree, even though they have all heard me sing before, but I just really got into this one I guess.

We arrive at the same airport I flew into for the concert. I sure hope this surprise is as good as the other one

Its boring I know...

LuKe Is EiGhTeEn NoW...

DuDe DoNt KiLl Me.

I lava you! cx Thanks so much for 350 reads cx

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