Chapter 6 - Over Thinking

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I wake up, and see that Luke isnt cuddling with me, and isnt in this room.

"He's in the bathroom." Calum says, and I nod.

I lay back down, and feel the bed droop beside me, as Luke sits down.

"You're back!" I exclaim and wrap him in a hug as he laughs. Oh gosh, his laugh is perfection... Did I just think that? Get a hold of yourself! He is your best friend... You can ruin the friendship.

"So?" Ashton asks, coming up to us.

"What do you want?" Luke asks.

"Can I interview you guys?"

Luke says "no" at the same time that I say "Yes" which causes us to both scowl at each other, in a friendly way of course.

"Haha. I caught that on film!"

"Delete it." Luke says, and Ashton shakes his head no, as he asks me some questions.

"When did you and Luke become friends?"

"It was when I was about to turn 4 and he was already four, you see, my birthday is 6 days after his, we met at his birthday party, because my mom insisted that since the neighbor, Luke, had a birthday close to mine, we would conjoin birthdays. We had a huge disagreement on stuff, and we wouldnt just have comprimise. Our parents just split the room in half and we were okay with that, given at the time we were four, so it didnt really matter." I try to tell the whole story, but Luke nudges me, so he could tell the rest.

"At the party, I went over to her side to tell her happy birthday, and she told me she had no intentions of telling me happy birthday, but since I was over there she went ahead and did. Then a little bit afterwards, we had to go up and get sang to. Her mom asked if we wanted to eat the cake first, and us, being sugar hyper four year olds, we said yes. When we got our pieces and we fed each other cake, which all the people thought was "Absoultely adorable" and we had cake all over our faces, so we had a cake fight with our second piece. Turns out, everyone just wanted to see us throw the cake at each other instead of eating. We were happy about that, and threw cake at each other. At the time, we didnt know we would be in charge of cleaning up the dining hall." I nudge him, so I can talk again.

"While we were cleaning ourselves up, the others were leaving their cards and gift for us to open after we clean up the hall. We cleaned up the hall spotless, and then as we were leaving we both said together, at the same time.." I look at him, so we can both say it together.

"Had a great time lets be besties for the resties!"

"And now the rest is history..." Ashton says, and turns off the video.

"This will be perfect for the fans to see!" He says, running off to his bed to post it.

Soon, I am getting a notification, that he posted it, and it blows up right before my eyes.

They were so adorable!

I can imagine that playing out!

I want to be Nikki!

That sounds fun!

Throwing cake at Luke... Sounds cool.

What color cake was it?

OMG the feels!!!!!

"Wow. You guys are meant to be!" Michael says, as he wakes up after having his phone go off.

We both ignore his comment, and continue looking at comments.

"Why did I have to throw cake at a pop star?" I ask myself, and I guess he hears me, because he then says, not so quietly, under his breath "Why did I have to throw cake at such a pretty girl?"

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