Chapter 4 - Hanging With The Boys

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I wake up, to see that Luke's arms are protectively wrapped around me, and I smile. He is too overprotective for his own good.

I just try to go back to sleep, because if I try to move, then I might wake Luke up, and I dont want to disturb his peaceful sleep.

My phone starts ringing, so I quickly answer it, so it won't wake up any of the boys.


"Sweetie, we need to get going. Our flight is about to take off."

"Can I stay longer?"

"Only if Luke and the other boys are okay with it..."

"Its ok, we will take good care of her." Luke says, snatching my phone out of my hand, as I internally groan at his childish nature.

"How long can she stay with you guys?"

"I will have to talk to management, but it will be about a week or two, is that okay with you?"

"Its fine, just take care of our baby."

"Oh, trust me, I will."

With that, I get my phone back, and I smile, knowing I will get to stay with my best friend for a while longer.

"I need to call management, I will be right back."

I nod, and let him call management.

"Where's my Lukey?" Ashton says, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"He is calling management to discuss how long I can stay."

"Oh, well, I hope it is a while, because he is obviously happier when you are around..."

That makes me blush, and Ashton just laughs. I will be the topic of teasing for the whole time I am with them, I just know it.

"Good news, and bad news." Luke says walking back into the room.

"I will tell you the bad news first. You have to either be on our couch or get an actual bed, in One Direction's tour bus..."

"I will check out which one is comfier, and decide from there." I state, and he nods.

"Now, I will have to call your mom back when they land, because you are staying with us for the whole Europe and North American part, so it will be about 3 months that you will be with us. Management only let that happen, because you have kept us out of trouble and you are hired as our Assisstant Manager while we are on the road!"

Oh my, I always heard that you could only travel if you had a job... But how do they not have that already?

"How do you not have an assisstant manager already?"

"We never had an assistant in the first place, because they didnt find it necessary, because it would be basically a babysitter, but when they saw the difference in us, they couldnt just let you go without helping out..."

I cant hold in my smile now, and I hug Luke.

"Thanks so much for this." I say, and he just tightens his grip.

"I only do this for people I love."

"Well, I love you too."

Soon, Calum wakes up, and we tell him the news.

"But I don't need a babysitter..." He says, acting very childish. That boy.

"Good morning sleepy head." Luke says to Michael, after he finally wakes up.

"I prefer the term lazy." He mumbles, and I just laugh. What is wrong with these boys? They are so immature...

After all the 5SOS boys find out about me being the Assisstant Manager for them, they decided to go tell the One Direction boys.

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