Chapter 8 - Sound Check; The Concert Of A Life Time

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There is only one word for sound check: Insane.

I obviously havent been to one of these before, so I honestly didnt know what to expect, but now I do.

"Come on Nikki. You don't have to be part of this... You can sit in the arena and watch if you wanna." Luke says, directing me to the front row.

I watch the practice concert, and they do very good, even though they goof off for half the time. 5 Seconds of Summer, should have more than just an opening act, but there is nothing I can do about it... They just have to survive the rest of the tour and they may actually get their own world tour soon. That would be absolutely great for them!

"So how was it penguin?" Luke asks, using my pet name from him. He says that he calls me that because penguins are his favorite thing and so am I. He is so sweet and I am yet to come up with a pet name for him... It has to be good and sweet, but that doesnt sound like me.

Obviously, I am no poet, but I want to be sweet for Luke, because, honestly, I want to impress him and let him know that I really do care for him. I dont want him to think that I just want to date him for attention and stuff, but that I love him for who he is. I just dont know how to express it. I don't want him to move on... Ever.

"Penguin? What's wrong?"

"Can we talk in private?" I ask, and he nods.

It is now or never, Nikki.

We go into the dressing room, and lock the door, so we can talk.



"I'm going to come out and say it..."

"I'm listening..."

"Well, you call me penguin, and I don't have a pet name for you."

"If that's wh-"

"Shut up so I can talk."

He "zips" his lips, and I nod, continuing.

"It got me thinking that, I dont show my admiration for you as much as I would like to. You are constantly kissing me, and telling me I'm special and I dont know how to explain my feelings for you, because words cant desccribe how I feel about you. I just feel bad, because I never say anything nice to you, but you are constantly showing me how much you care for me... I just feel like a bad girlfriend..."

"May I speak?" He asks, and I nod my head, half laughing.

"Well, what you just told me now makes up for everything you had in lack of. I love you, and I know that you love me. I dont need confirmation, but i feel like you need it confirmed, because you are going through a tough time, and I just want you to know. You dont have to scream to the world. You just need to make sure to make it known, with kisses and hugs, and even an incoherent 'I love you' in your sleep." He says, lightening my mood instantly, sealing this conversation with a kiss.

"I love you." I say first for once, and he smiles.

"I love you too."

"I would start the kisses more often, but the only time I can start the kiss is when you are sitting or laying down..." I say, embarassedly.

"And why is that?"

"Because you are a giant and I am too petite."

"Excuses excuses." he says, fake disappointedly.

I unlock the door to see all the boys tumble into the room.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, and they dont answer, so I just step out of the room for a bit, for some fresh air. You need fresh air just after kissing Luke. Trust me. You wouldnt believe how appetizing his lips are...

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