Chapter 19 - A Day Is A Day

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I wake up, and reach for where Luke should be, but all I feel is the cold... Where is he? He should be here? I am feeling super emotional. Why?

I get out of bed and look at the sheets, and see that I have ruined the sheets. I quickly write a note to the cleaning lady apologizing and change clothes into some more comfortable and clean ones.

When I come out of the bathroom, I fix the bed so Luke doesnt know when he gets back. It isnt that I dont love him to death, but does he really need to know my personal problems, honestly?

I hear a door open and close. I just sit there and try to look normal, but honestly I am too emotional to be normal...

"Hey babe. Sorry, it was a 5sos meeting and I didnt want to disrupt your sleep."

"It's okay Luke. I literally just woke up."

He smiles, and I return the smile.

"We are going back in the tour bus tonight and it will be a lot rougher from here. Will you be able to handle it?" He asks, and I nod, smiling. Of course he is just teasing me, I know that without asking.

He sort of laughs and reaches out for us to hold hands.

"Do you want to go get some breakfast?"

"Yes, I am really hungry!" I exclaim and he laughs, leading us out the door to go get some food.

"Anyone else who wants to eat breakfast better get out here!" He yells and the boys come running out.

Eventually we are leaving, going to Starbucks. I told them Dunkin was better but they want coffee from Starbucks I guess... They sound like white girls, honestly.

Once we arrive at Starbucks all of the boys jump out all at once and race inside, surprising everyone in there.

I take forever to get inside, so I figured they were in line, but when I walk in they are all chanting "Nikki sing." I just smile. I dont really want to sing.

"Fine. Ill sing." I say and they choose the song for me, which happens to be Amnesia.

I sang it for them and they all applaud and then we get our coffee and bread of sorts and leave happily.

I got my usual, the White Chocolate Mocha. I like the normal, it isnt to wild, its tame. I just really enjoy and want to keep drinking it. Sometimes I will get it iced, but this time I didnt, because I like the hot better.

"We have soundcheck this afternoon, but it wont be that bad. Last one in this town and then we will be moving on." Luke tells me and I just nod.

Soon enough, we are back at the hotel, and there is no way that I am running inside, especially with the fans waiting for the boys to get back. The lobby is crowded, no way am I feeding into that...

"Lukey" I say, dragging out his name.

"What babe?" He asks, sounding annoyed.

"I dont want to fight through the crowd." I say.

"I'm sorry."

I just smile and nod and pull out my phone and look at my notifications blowing up on Instagram. I forgot to log out I guess...

While walking, my fingers slip and my phone falls on the concrete. I stand there for a minute, until I sit down and start crying.

Why am I so emotional? Why cant I keep myself together? Why cant anything go right? Why cant I just be overly happy on my period like most girls?

I pick up my phone with tears still in my eyes, seeing that it isnt cracked. Thank goodness it landed on its case side instead of the screen side...

"Why are you crying babe?" Luke asks, helping me stand up.

"Because... I really dont know." I say honestly, well sort of.

"Are you on your period?" He asks and I nod.

He just smiles and picks me up bridal style and carries me inside.

I start cramping and he can tell as he hurries me to get to the room.

"Girls, please move. I really need to get her to the room. I will come back down to sign and take pictures once I get her taken care of."

"What's wrong?"

"Is she sick?"

Those two questions are all I can hear..

"She is cramping, you girls all know what its like."

They immediately scurry and apologize as he runs me up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.

I look at him and he is just so beautiful.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too."

"You're so handsome."

"You're so pretty."

"Kiss me." I say and he quickly kisses me.

Once we get to the room, he unlocks the door and kicks the door open and lays me in the new sheets from the maid.

"I will be right back."

"But I wanna cuddle." I say. He just laughs and kisses my forehead.

"When I get back we can cuddle." He says and turns on the TV and leaves the room.

When he gets back I will probably have gotten out of my cuddly mood, but all I know is I think I am going to go to sleep, and take a nap... Maybe he'll be back soon and he will wake me up...

I wake back up to see Luke laying next to me. I turn over and sit up.

"Have a good nap?" He asks and I nod.

He kisses me, passionately which causes me to smile.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too."

It may seem like we say it a lot, but all we want to do is shout it to the world. We are deeply in love and I just want him to be mine and I to be his, forever.

Fluff chapter kind of since shes on her period and stuff but ya know, itll be fine. xx

Not my best work, but I really wanted to update, so night or morning or afternoon, whatever it is, I hope its good! xx

Should I make a muke book? Or nah?

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