Chapter 21 - Umm... Okay?

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I ignore him.

"Nikki. Babe, please."

Not a chance.

"Get up..."

"No." I whine and he takes the blanket off of me, which i just pull back up.

"Please baby." He says, kissing me all over my face.

"I dont want your nasty germs, please let me sleep,"

"Well, fine, you will be alone in a room for a few hours by yourself then."

"Fine with me." I say, whining and pull the blanket over my face.

I was really tired. Luke kept me up till 3 and then he expects me to wake up at 10? Is he insane? I am not doing that, especially while I am moody and bleeding.

I'm not sure if i made the best decison of stay by myself though. When I wake up I will deal with that though. For right now, I'm going back to sleep. Peace out.

Luke POV

I wish she wouldn't have been such a stubborn ass and came with us. I wanted to have another bubbly day like yesterday, but she's in one of her sleepy bad moods and that isnt good for anyone. I'm kind of glad she is catching up on sleep though.

Sound check shouldnt take more than a couple of hours and then I will have time to run and get her and then perform the show. I have a surprise for her at the show, while I am on stage, but I cant tell her because its a surprise. I cant tell you guys either. Surprises are best when only one person knows. Not even the other guys know about it.

I just hope sound check gets over with soon...

Nikki POV

I wake up and see that the boys still aren't back, so I get up and look to see if they have anything interesting on here.

I found a spare guitar in the back, acoustic of course. I don't play any instrument except acoustic guitar. I love guitars, especially acoustic ones.

I decide to play "Long Way Home" on the guitar and sing along with it.

As soon as the song ends, the boys walk through the door of the tour bus.

"You ready to go inside?" I could have went inside earlier but i didnt want to barge in on anything.

"Yeah." I say, letting the other boys lead the way, and Luke and I tagging along behind.

Normally, I would want to lead the way, but today I'm just not feeling it. I look at Luke and notice that he is holding the acoustic guitar I was playing. How did I just notice that?

We enter the building and it is absolutely huge, and beyond compare of anything I had been to before.

"You said this was at the outskirts of London?"

"Yeah, but its kinda popular. No big deal right?" He asks me, smiling genuinely and I nod.

Normally, I would say something, but like i said, I'm a little off today. Side effects of Mother Nature. Que my eye roll...

Anyways, we go to the dressing room and the boys all get ready with their outfits and guitars and stuff, and I just sit on the couch enjoying the view... Oops.

They practice a bit and then get relaxed because there is still a few more minutes until they come out to the stage to perform.

I can already hear the fans filing in to their corresponding seats and i have gotten quite used to it by now, honestly. It doesnt make me as deaf as it used to. Tonight, it may change though, because this is a huge arena, and i dont know if I'm used to it yet. The talking is already pretty loud... And the screams haven't even started yet.

Honestly, if i do say so myself, I feel like if i were in the band I would be freaking out before every show. They seem so cool about it, and I would never feel very at home with this. I dont know if it is because singing isnt my passion or that i havent ever really had a career like it, but i dont know... I just feel like it would be hard to be comfortable with it...

"Babe, what are you thinking about?" Luke asks me, and I just shrug my shoulders, not really wanting to speak.

He is sitting beside me on the couch. My legs are propped up on his. This is pretty comfortable for the both of us. If it were uncomfortable for him though. I wouldnt know because he wouldnt tell me. He likes having me happier than he is, which is the opposite for me. Is that how relationships are? Caring for people other than themselves? I just find it bizarre, but it is so common.

"Guys, you have 10 minutes." One of the guards says, opening the door. The boys just nod and he quickly leaves.

I turn my head to look at Luke. He's talking to Michael, completely facing the other direction. I dont know what they are talking about, but they are both so into it. It takes them a while to notice I'm checking Luke out. Luke isnt even the one to realize it, Michael is.

"Dude, your girlfriend is staring at you."

He turns around and smirks at me, while I blush into my hands.

"Naughty girl."

"What is naughty about checking out my boyfriend, ay?"

Luke just laughs and shakes his head. Which makes me wonder what he thinks about when he's talking to me... What goes through that boy's mind? Honestly, thinking about it, i might be the innocent one here...

The guys from earlier comes back in and says that they have a minute. I decide to leave the dressing room with them.

They all walk out, and I hear the screams loud and clearly.

"Who's ready to have some fun?" Ashton yells into the microphone at his drum kit and the girls' screams get impossibly louder.

They play a few songs, but then Luke stops them.

"Today is a special day for Nikki and I." He tries to continue but is cut off by all the awes.

"Today is the day of our 14 years of knowing each other!" He exclaims and the crowd erupts in cheers, but there are also some boos out there, which kind of depresses me. At least there are a lot of happy people out there. Thats all I want, is happy people.

"Since today is so special, I would like to bring her out and have her do something for me. She didnt know its coming, and I dont want her to know yet. I have 3 surprises for her... But if I tell you guys you might tell her, so you wont know until I tell her. I'm going to bring her out now."

He comes and gets me, and I just freeze as soon as I see so many people. Why here? London was smaller... Does my fate really come to this?

I just know I am nervous and dont want these girls to rip me to shreds, but they just might.

Sort of a cliffhanger.

You wont be hanging for long though! I am actually planning on updating in 2 or 3 days, so it wont be very long.

Right now, I only have this book, the pref book that I started back up, and my story ideas... but on Dec. 1st I will have a series out, and I hope you guys consider to read it c:

Anyways, thank you so much for 6.2K reads, I dont deserve all these reads and honestly just thank you so much.

this book has about 29 more chapters, but idk for sure. I plan 50 chapters, but as I go on I may add or decrease chapters, I really dont know.

I love you guys so much xx

dont leave me xx

bye bye loves xx

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