Chapter 23 - Embarassment

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When the show ended, I was happy to say that it was interesting to say the least. I love the fans cheering for the boys. I can tell they really appreciate it. They do great though so they absolutely deserve the attention. They are quite frankly, amazing.

"We are back Nikki!" Luke says, immediately kissing me when he enters the room.

"Get a room." Calum says, smirking.

"I should tell that to you and your boyfriend." I say, and the two boys blush.

"I feel so left out." Ashton murmurs, and i just smile at him.

"Dont worry Ashton. If i wasnt in the picture, I bet you and Luke would have hooked up by now." I say, laughing. The boys all laugh, considering the situation, and Luke just starts kissing along my neck.

"Ew. Cooties." I scream, and he laughs at me.

"You are very childish Nikki." He says, smiling.

"I'm still a child." I say, pouting.

"Dont worry so am I, babe."

"Yes you are, Lucas." I say, smirking because he hates that.

"I hate you."

"Thats not what you were saying to her last night in bed." Ashton says, smirking and winks at us. Both Luke and I blush badly and I hide into his chest.

"We werent that loud..." Luke says, going along with the whole facade, making me blush even more.

"Oh, stop, we all know she is too innocent for this kind of talk!" Michael says, and I cant help but laugh. They know I'll be a virgin for a while longer, and I am kind of glad that they know, because honestly, if they didnt know the jokes would soon be used to see if its true. Honestly, it will be nothing but joking for a while, a long while.

"Lets go back to the tour bus." I say, once the blush has faded and I feel normal again.

We all head back to the bus, ready to go perform in the city of love for a day, and then heading off to America to perform.

As soon as we board the bus it starts to move.

"You two are free to go fuck if you want to." Calum says, and I blush into my hands.

"How about... we all watch a movie!" I say, trying to stop the teasing. They just nod as Luke pulls out two movies to select from.

I pick the latter of the two and we watch it. The whole time we were watching it, I couldnt concentrate though. Luke kept placing kisses on my neck and cheek and lips. He was pretty horny, but we couldnt and I wouldnt.

The movie ends and everyone is still awake.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Ashton says, and everyone agrees to it, including me and I dont even know why.

Ashton starts since he came up with the idea, and it just gets tossed around. It goes on a while until the one shocking question came that I didnt necessarily want to answer.

"Nikki, why are you scared to have sex with Luke?" Michael asks, and my face goes red.

"What would your dare be?" I ask, and Michael smirks.

"To have sex with Luke."

"I'll take the truth then..." I say, trying to stall, but everyone sits there waiting for the answer.

"I'm scared because I have never done it before. I'm a virgin, I dont want to be less than his expectations. Plus, when we were about 13, we always would talk about who we would marry. We made a promise that if we did end up dating that we would wait till marriage to go further. and we wanted to make sure we actually were in love. There is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone..." I blabber on and on, losing everyone except Luke, but eventually he gets tired of it, and simply starts kissing me.

"Babe, i understand. We were traditional and if thats what you want, its okay." He says, calmly after removing his lips from mine. "You're so beautiful and you are so worth waiting on."

I smile appreciatively at him and he tells me to hold on as he leaves the room, coming back with Nicole, our new dog.

"This dog will be something we get to share. As long as Nicole is alive we need to stay together, okay?" He says, and I nod. I knew since Nicole is barely a year that she will be here for a while.

"You two are too sweet. Are we dont with truth or dare now?" Ashton says, and we all nod, some of us yawning.

"Luke?" I ask, hesitating to ask him the question that I have been dieing to ask him.

"Yes babe?"

"You arent a virgin are you?"

"Umm... no." He says, sadly, but at least he is being honest...

"So I wont be your first?"

"Nope, but you will in fact be my last."

"thanks." I say, because that honestly made me feel so much better.

He is serious, he wants to be with me forever, he has made me a better person. Yes, I still cut. Yes, I am still broken, but i dont worry as much. I know that Luke will always be here to protect me, its a fact. Even if we dont end up marrying, nothing can break us as best friends, we will always find our way back to each other.

When we were nine, we got into this huge fight, because he didnt like my favorite food. We threatened each other, but we got over it and became best friends again.

When we were 13, we both went through major changes. I started getting self-esteem issues, and he started puberty, and i bet all you fan girls know that he started looking hot as hell... Anyways, girls started wanting to hang out with him, and I got pushed aside. It started this huge fight. We didnt talk for a whole week, but he realized his mistake and told all the girls that every friday night was reserved for me, and that repatched us.

Nothing has even broken us down, not even him leaving. He came back to pick up the pieces. And that makes me happy.

Tonight, I go to bed in Luke's arms again, and there isnt any other place that I would like to be.

Sorry for the long wait... I feel bad.

chapter 23 of 50 yayayay xx

thank you so so so sooo much for 8.5K yall are amazing. every single one of you xx

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