Chapter 24 - America Bound

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After about a month in Asia, it is time to head to America. It means, I am halfway through this tour with them, but also I finally get to go to America. It's going to be fun, I have a feeling, but I think this will be an amazing experience. I had never been out of Sydney and small areas around there, and now I've been to a few places in Asia and I am tour America with some of the funniest lads around.

The plane ride will take a while, but this time it wont be as bad as the first time. I am not going to let Luke upset me this time. I already warned him. He promised he wouldnt be a dick this time, but I still cant completely trust him. I want to, but I dont want to be let down actually. I love Luke so much, thats why it hurts so bad. I have to keep reminding myself of that...

"Nikki, relax, he noticed his mistake, I think that he will behave this time." Ashton tells me before we leave the building. The other boys are ahead, getting onto their tour bus.

"Only because I have him on a short leash." I say, smirking, and catching up with Luke.



He fake pouts, and I kiss his frown away, causing everyone to ew.

"If you are in a relationship you better not be "ew"ing me." I say, still smiling.

The ride to the airport was short, but still actually pretty fun.

As soon as we are out of the bus, people are trying to surround us. It didnt bother me at first, but thats when the paparazzi showed up...


"What babe?"

"I dont like this..."

"I will protect you."

"Nikki! Nikki! Nikki!"

Everyone was in my face, and I was blinded by the cameras. I couldnt see. I couldnt breathe. I just... need space...

"Luke. I. Can't. Breathe."

"Get out of the way! Nikki can't breathe!"

The fans step back but the paparazzi dont move.

"Please move." I say weakly, right before throwing up on a paparazzi's shoe.

"I told you to move..." I said weakly, before Luke carries me inside, finally getting space.

"I'm a bit clausterphobic." I tell Luke when he sets me down, he simply nods.

"I'll be fine." I say, trying to wipe the worry off his face as we continue to our tunnel.

I feel a tug on my jacket, so I turn around, still holding Luke's hand. I see two girls, one in a wheelchair, and one pushing her.

"Sorry to bother you. can I please get an autograph from you?" The girl in the wheel chair asks, handing me a sharpie and picture of Luke and I kissing in public.

I quickly sign it, and make Luke sign it.

"You two make PDA so cute. Normally I would cringe, and as you can see here, I like your PDA." Both girls say.

"Thank you guys." I say, and turn to Luke to see him blushing.

"Do you guys want a picture also?" I ask.

"If thats okay with you." They say.

They pull out their cameras, and I pull out my phone. We take a quick photo session, and then say bye to our new friends.

Today, so far, we have experienced forceful annoying fans, and patient polite fans. I prefer the latter of the two defintely.

Once we get to the gate, the boys all come over to us.

"Where were you guys?" Ashton asks.

"Two girls were really polite and we just had to take pictures with them!" I exclaim, as I pull out my phone and show them the pictures. My favorite has to be the one where Luke was kissing one of the girls' cheek and I was kissing the other girl's cheek. They had the widest smiles and it was just adorable.

"This time all of our seats are by each other's so we arent seperated. The plane has 3 seats on each side, so basically we get two rows, but two people may sit with the unlucky person."

"At least we will all be somewhat close..." I say, still in a pretty good mood despite it being so early.

It was almost time to board, so we just kind of stood around waiting to board. This time we got normal boarding so that we didnt really look special or anything.

After a short time we were told to board the plane, and got on.

Turns out that Luke, Ashton, and I sat together. In the other seat was Michael, Calum, and Liam. Then behind us was Louis, Harry, and Zayn. Niall was stuck by himself, but seemed to be happy enough that he even made it on the plane, plus since this plane isnt full there is only one other person in his seat and they sat by the window and he sat by the aisle.

Ashton sitting by us meant no PDA or else he would start complaining, so instead of kissing we decided to just chat and chat until someone got tired of us. That someone being the Ashton Irwin. Shocker!(not).

"Will you two shut up already? I dont care if you kiss for fucks sake, just let me get some precious sleep!" He says, obviously very annoyed, but I just sort of laugh at his frustration.

"If you say so..." Luke says smirking, and pecks my lips.

In response, Ashton pulls his hood up and over his face and tightens the strings, either from trying to sleep or from disgust. Its probably both.

"Stop being so moody Irwin..." I hear from Niall. He's even single, so Ashton should listen to him...

Ashton doesnt respond, and I just laugh it off.

I end up yawning, so Luke cuddles me into his chest and I quickly fall to sleep in his arms. There isnt any other place I would rather be. As long as I have Luke, I am quite happy.

I am so sorry for these spaced out updates, bbbbuuuutttt i am on Christmas break but dont expect updates every day or every other day for the next two weeks c: ily guys.


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