Chapter 32 - Cali-for-ni-a

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"Its hot." Calum complains.

"Just like you." Michael says, earning a blush from Calum. I think it is awfully sweet and they're such a good couple. Honestly, they really are meant for each other, you can tell. I love how they tease each other and turn around and start being lovey. They're just so adorable.

We are now at a beach in our swimming suits. The beach isn't terribly packed, but who knows how long it will take to spread that 5sos and 1D is at the beach in Los Angeles. Might as well make the most of our time.

I still have my tshirt over my swimsuit. I am scared. What if I'm not skinny enough?

"Come on Nikki!" The 5sos boys, including my boyfriend, yell out to me.

"You're scared to take your tshirt off aren't you?" Harry comes up to me, asking.

"What if I'm too f-"

"Don't you dare say that! You're a beautiful human being. You are you and that is what makes you so incredible Nikki."

"Thanks Harry."

"Are you wearing a bikini?" Louis asks. Sometimes, he's a little inappropriate but Eleanor is nice for him. They're cute.

"Yes, I am. Got a problem with it?" I say, finally taking off my shirt.

"You look like you belong in LA." Niall says in his cute Irish accent. He's adorable, too bad he hasn't found his girl.

Liam and Zayn seem to be keeping each other company on a beach towel, so they'll be okay.

"Are you ready to go swim now?" Harry asks, after all the boys went off to do their own thing.

"I guess... Wait, are you flirting?" I ask jokingly.

"No, silly. I just need a friend, I am the odd ball." That does make sense.

"Well, when I take Luke from Ashton, Ashton is all yours."

"Well we have to get to the water before we do any of that."

"I know." I say, putting my hair into a pony tail.

"Ugh. Just let me get this pony tail in right and we will head over there." I say, taking my disaster of hair out of the pony tail and going with a different tactic. I succeed and we head our way to the water.

"Oh, its actually quite warm." He says.

"Maybe for you." I say, trying not to shiver. It's not warm nor cold, which gives me an eerie feeling.

The swimmers of our group haven't even went that deep. Most of me still shows, it's like we are in the splash zone. The water goes to barely my thighs.

"Luke, I got your girlfriend here." Harry says. Luke turns around and smiles.

"I can't handle you in that." He says, picking me up and spinning me around. He puts me to his head level and kisses me.

When he puts me back down, I swim away from him.

"I want to swim, not play around. Are you coming or not?"

"Can i get someone else to go with you?" He asks, looking apologetic.

"I think I am just going back to sun tan." I say, not showing that I am sad, but I wish he would have went with me.

"Do you want me to come?" He asks.

"No, have fun with your friends. I know I take up your time."

He grabs onto my wrist.

"What Luke? You can have guy time."

"What's bugging you, babe?" He asks, caringly.

"Nothing." I say, storming off before he can keep me over there again.

I assumed it was him following me, but it was Harry.

"He sent me because apparently the guys and you are mad at him."

"I'm not mad at him, I am mad at reality."

"Oh yeah, this Cali thing is your last."

I nod my head, trying not to allow the tears to flow.

"I don't want him to leave me again." I say, putting my head in my hands, trying not to show the LA people that I am crying. It's sad really. Why must I be so emotional?

"I'm sorry. I would comfort you, but I'm not sure how.

I put my towel on my back, as he hugs me. I knew what he meant, and I almost laughed. He didn't want to hug me when I was just in my bikini. He's so innocent.

"Thanks for comforting me. I know the boys don't like that I take up all of his time."

"They shouldn't be mad at him though, you are leaving in like 3 days. They can't blame you for wanting his undivided attention, you should go tell them that."

"Maybe, I will." I stand up, still accompanied with the towel. I put my shirt back on and head out to the water.

"Hey, can I talk to all of you guys for a second?" I ask, only being able to do this, because Harry is right beside me urging me along.

"Yeah, sure. What's up Nikki?" When they turn to me they see my red eyes and seem worried.

"I don't know who's mad at Luke for hanging out with me too much, or if he made that up to hang with you guys, I don't really care. I just want to say that I have three days left of the tour, then you guys immediately fly back to do the Canada tour. You guys have 2 to 3 months left of tour while I will be going to school. I just want his attention for this short time that i have left with him. I'm trying not to be a teen that overreacts over every little thing, but my boyfriend is leaving me to go accross the world to tour and I will never know if I get to see him again." I say.

No one seems to react, they just stand there dumb struck, so i leave. I don't care who's following me, i just want to get to the beach and attempt to calm down.

"He's been a really jerk, hasn't he?" I turn around to see Luke, nearly in tears.

I sit down, and he sits down beside me.

"I wish i didn't have to leave you, but you have school. You have your life in Australia."

"You're my life." I say, looking at the silent waves moving up closer and closer but still far away.

"You're mine too, but I have my career." He says, slightly frustrated.

"I never said to stop your career, I just want you to realize that we have limited time and I would like to hang out with you."

"I'm sorry. I'm stupid. I'm so beyond idiotic. You forgive me?"

"Sure. Why not? We can't spend these last few days fighting."

Tonight, we start our road trip back to New York. Its a full 24+ hour drive, so we will have two drivers, one for daylight and one for night time.

"Time for a change of atmosphere. We need to leave now." Liam says. Harry goes back to get the boys. We load on the tour buses, change, and head to the arena for tonight's show.

i know earlier on i said 50 chapters but I decided to do 40 chapters and an epilogue.

sadly, that means this story is ending.... :( this story is my baby with nearly 16k reads.


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