Chapter 5 - Energetic Boys

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I wake up to the boys singing "Nikki and Luke sitting in a tree" to Luke and I.

I turn to see he is still asleep, so I just try to go back to sleep, and that doesnt work, because soon Calum is jumping on the bed.

"Dont worry, I'll protect you." Luke whispers in my ear, as I hold in a laugh to keep them from knowing we are awake.

"Dont let them get to your head, tell them to knock it off if you are uncomfortable." He whispers again, and I know exactly what he is talking about.

I kinda want to date him, but I dont want to ruin our 13 year friendship because I listened to the fans and the boys and took a chance. I dont know if i want to risk that.

"Are you uncomfortable with it?"

"Not necessarily, but whatever you want Nikki... I mean, it doesnt bother me, i can just tune them out."

"That's what I will do then."

We stay quiet, but the boys just get noisier and noisier.

"I have to help manage you, so shut up before I mess up your pretty faces." I say, and they instantly stop.

"Someone doesnt wake up very easily."

"I'm sorry guys, just have a lot on my mind, and you guys aren't helping one tiny bit."

They go and sit, waiting for me and Luke to get up so we can do something for the remaining few hours of daylight.

When i get up, I feel Luke on my tail like some lovesick puppy. He is so adorable. That boy!

"Luke, I need to call my mom still..."

"I will call her and tell her."

He leaves the room to talk to my mom in peace.

"She is okay with it, but she is worried that she is going to miss you."

"And I will miss her, but I have missed my best friend. There isnt enough time in the world to catch up with you and always be with my mommy."

He just laughs.

"What do you want to do now?"

"I just kind of want to chill..." I say, but those boys are so hyper and energetic, I think I need to let them out...

"How about we go to Starbucks for a coffee break and maybe get some of their bread. Just a snack outside to enjoy?" Luke asks.

"Why are you such a Starbuck addict?" Calum asks, and Luke shrugs his shoulders.

"Now boys, you have to be quiet. If you be noisy, we will turn right back around and not leave, ok?"

I open the door to see the One Direction boys standing there.

"We are ready to go to Starbucks!" Niall exclaims, and we all laugh.

"I can't control you boys, but dont make my boys misbehave." I tell them, and they nod.

Surprisingly, they are quiet the whole was down the elevator and out the door, but once they leave the building they are wild.

"You are so lucky I love you Hemmings." I say, and he smiles and laughs.

"Yes, I am."

"You're a weirdo." I say pushing him, but he quickly rebounds, and picks me up on his shoulders and takes me to the bus.

He gets on the bus and puts me on one of the top bunks.

Me being so short, I cant just hop down like these 6 foot boys can.

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