Chapter 2 - The Concert; VIP Passes

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At 5:30 we head out of the hotel room to drive to the concert arena. Having VIP passes, I get to be close to the front, but lucky for me, it isn't front row, or i would be freaking out about what to wear and such...

I open my suitcase to see that I have 5 shirts packed and a pair of jeans. I always tell my parents to pack my different kind of mood shirts.

I have 5 major moods...

Happy - Nothing gets me down, and i normally wear bright colors then, so my parents packed me a neon pink and green shirt, that is cute.

Sad - Everything bothers me, and I wear black, so they just packed a plain black t-shirt.

Loving - I wear red or pink, with hearts, because I probably just finished a romantic book or watched a rom com.

Confused - I dont know how i feel, so i wear either white or dark blue, and they packed your blue blouse for that mood.

Missing Luke - I have a mood all on its own for that one, and I wear his shirt that he left when he just disappeared. He hasnt asked for it back.

I decide to put his t-shirt on and wear the miss me jeans that my dad packed.

He loves the miss me jeans on me, so i just decide to be ok with it and put them on, along with Luke's shirt, and tie it in a ponytail at the back, so it doesnt look so big.

"Come on, Nikki." My dad said as we drive off to the concert.


We arrive, and it isnt very populated, and lucky for me, we get to our seats easily.

The hour didnt take as long as you'd think, counting in bathroom breaks and drinks and stuff.

The hour goes by quickly, and more people crowd in as it gets closer to time.

"Stop being so antsy." my dad tells me, but i just look at him.

He just laughs, and i try to keep from moving as much.


The lights turn off and then i can finally sit still, well, kind of.

"Ladies and gentleman, 5 Seconds Of Summer!"

Everyone screams, and i just clap, not knowing who they are.

"Hey Sydney, it is so great to be back!" Calum yells, and the boys agree.

"Ash, announce everyone for those who dont know who we are."

"I am Ashton Irwin. That's Calum Hood. That's Michael Clifford. And that's Luke Hemmings."

"Luke Hemmings." I whisper under my breath, and i dont know how to feel...

He isn't dead at least...

He could have told me, I would have understood...

But I am just glad he is back.

I smile to myself, and listen as an unfamilar song comes on.

As the song goes along, I sing the chorus.

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down

Soon, the opening act is almost over, and Luke never once saw me, or at least, if he did, didn't acknowledge my presence.

"Now, for what you have all been wait for, One Direction!" The screams are even louder, as Best Song Ever starts playing, but all I could concentrate on is Luke.

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