Chapter 38 - Waiting

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I grab my ticket from my purse before getting out of the door and proceeding to shut the door. I'm honestly barely standing, even though I am wearing black vans. Everything seems to be a bit difficult right now. Seeing Luke again will hopefully stablize me somewhat. It's so close, I can almost taste the victory. There is still plenty of waiting though. That's all I have been doing for the past few months though is waiting and waiting and waiting.

Walking up to the building, I give them my ticket stub and continue to my seat. Of course, since I came alone, I have to keep my stuff with me all the time. I quickly change my mind and decide to get food and a drink before I sit down. I really just need something to eat. At least I got here before the lines started getting longer, because they normally take forever no matter what but not many people are here yet. There are still many, but just not as many as usual. Plus, there are enough concessions to keep the lines somewhat short.

Standing in line right now isn't the worst thing in the world. At least there's only two short hours until I'll see Luke again. I just want to see my boyfriend. I love him so much and I just want to be with him. I just want to cuddle him, kiss him, and call him mine. It's really hard to do when we only talk through computer screen and it just isn't the same. So, standing in line is actually helping pass the time away. So it isn't the worst thing in the world but it is still technically seperating me from Luke.

"What wou- Are you Luke's girlfriend?" The girl behind the counter asks.

"Yes I came to see him perform."

"You're so sweet. You really are perfect for Luke. He deserves you and you deserve him."

"Thank you dear. You are sweet too!" I say, somewhat stalling for time.

"So what would you like?"

"May I have a... let's see... I want a hot dog and a Dr Pepper please."

"Coming right up Mrs. Hemmings." She says, telling the guy my order.

"Umm... I'm still a Ms. and Hemmings isn't my last name." I say, smiling widely thinking of being Mrs. Hemmings some day.

"Whatever you say ma'am. Would you like anything else?"

"Umm... How much are the cookies?" I ask, looking at the delicious chocolate chip cookies behind the counter.

"A dollar a piece. Ten dollars for a dozen."

"Umm... I will take a half a dozen."

"12.45 please." She says, putting the total in the cash register.

"Here you go... Misty." I say, handing her a fifty, then continuing, "Oh and please keep the change."

"Are you serious?" She asks.

"Yes, you deserve it." I say, smiling at the girl.

"Thank you so much!" She says, and then I walk off with a smile on my face. I actually take pride in making people happy. I love helping people actually. It warms my heart. I feel as if it is something people don't do much anymore. People are so into their phones and social media and I feel like people aren't as nice as they should be anymore. I feel as if it should be different. Electronics are supposed to help our lives, but they also hurt it, extremely.

"Are you familiar? Have I met you before?" Is all I have heard walking to my seat. All I can do is respond with, "Oh, I'm Luke Hemmings' girlfriend." They either freak out with happiness or scream at me and scowl and be rude. I prefer the earlier option, but honestly the latter is actually more common. It's like most of the 'fangirls' are actually haters. I really wish that they wouldn't hate me. I don't like them being rude. I know what it's like to be ignored, but if they are going to be rude about it, then they deserve to be rude. Being rude to me doesn't make me happy. If you can peacefully say hi and at least act like you like me, I could hook you up with meeting the boys, but not if you are being rude and hateful. That just doesn't float my boat. Sorry to disappoint.

Once I get to the floor level, I take my seat and see Ashton's girlfriend coming up beside me. She has the seat next to me, so at least I will be able to be by and talk to someone that I know. I really don't want to be surrounded by stupid strangers.

"Hey Nikki."

"Oh hey. How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm good too."

"Are you happy to see Luke?"

"Yes, i have missed him so damn much. Seeing him again will probably make me cry, so just warning you. Are you happy to see Ash?"

"Yeah, I really just want to see him and talk to him in person. I miss him so much, and he really is very sweet. He's just amazing and I really don't deserve him."

"You do too! You guys are absolutely perfect for each other." I admit. They really are super cute. They are like as the fangirls would say as 'goal af'. I really agree with them though. I've got to admit it.

"Thank you. Lukki is actually pretty cute too." She says, smiling widely at me, and I return the smile. I really do like that people find me and Luke as cute. I just really want support, even if I do have haters. Any support is better than none.

"Are you ready for the show?"

"Yeah. What about you?" I ask her, to be polite of course.

"I'm super ready to see Ashton play his drums. It's really hot."

"I just like it when Luke looks into my eyes while singing. It's the best." I admit, blushing a bit. She smiles at me, sitting back in her seat. I follow her lead waiting for the performance to start.

Hey guys. this is chapter 38... two more chapters and an epilogue. the tears are real xx thanks for reading! means a lot to me.

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