Chapter 17 - Jealousy is Best Served With Pancakes

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There is talk of cutting in this chapter so possibly triggering xx

I wake up, feeling warm for the first time in a while, and realize that Luke and I are cuddling.

It is no lie that I missed him, but he isnt quite forgiven that easily, and he knows that. He knows he made a bad move and just needs to fix it. Thats what he is working on, fixing us.

"Good morning babe." Luke says, waking up.

"Did I wake you?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Even if you did, I wouldnt care." He says, causing you to smile.

I try to get out of bed, but his grip tightens.

"Lay with me for five more minutes."

"No. You have a concert tonight. Sound check is in 3 hours."

"Five minutes wouldnt hurt anything."

"Yes it would. We still need to eat and get ready. I dont have time to lay in bed."

"Nikki, what's wrong?"

I just shrug him off.

"I know i was stupid yesterday, but I am trying to make it up to you." He says, sitting up beside me, putting his arm around my waist.

"That isnt whats bothering me..." I say, not looking him in the eyes.

How am I supposed to tell him? I dont want to upset him...

"You can tell me anything." He kisses my cheek and I smile while trying to hide my tears.

I have to tell him...

I pull up my bracelets to reveal the new scars from last night.

"Did you get up in the middle of the night?" He asks me and all I can do is nod my head. Words wont come out of my mouth. It isnt the best situation right now.

"You cant keep doing this to yourself." He says, and I nod, knowing I cant.

"This is all my fault. You wouldnt have been cutting if I wouldnt have been such a jerk. Im not good enough for you. You are way out of my league, yet you always come back and I dont know why."

"Stop trying to quote End Up Here." I mutter, him cracking a smile.

"There's my girl." He says and I nod.

We both get up and get dressed and eat together and then just sit on the couch watching the London weather.

The weather was really boring but there is really nothing else to do.



"Can I have a kiss please?"

"Sure." I say, and give him a quick peck on the cheek causing him to pout. I then peck is lips and he smiles then and reconnects our lips.

"I kissed that frown right off your face." I say and he smiles.

"I can kiss that smirk off your face." He says going in for a kiss, just as the door flys open.

"Dude, if you are going to frickle frackle then please lock the door next time." Michael says walking in, causing Luke to scowl.

"He doesnt mean any harm." I whisper, playfully biting his ear and he turns his head and attacks me in kisses.

"Couples are gross and not understandable." He murmurs, going through our fridge.

"You'll change your mind when you find a girl." I say and Michael just nods.

"We need to get going love birds." Michael says, and gestures for us to walk out the door in front of him.

That's his mistake, because we walk out hand in hand, and right at the door frame we kiss, to see his reaction.

"Keep moving." Is all he says, while he scowls, causing Luke to laugh.

"Are you two all patched up now?" Calum asks while heading outside to the van.

"Apparently, I walked in on them making out and they wouldnt stop, even when I came in there and stole a coke. And then when we were leaving, they just had to kiss right before stepping out of the room." Michael speaks up.

"Awe, Mikey dont be jealous." Luke says, fake pouting.

"I'm not jealous!" He says before getting into the van.

It ends up that Luke and I have to sit by Michael and he gets mad and shares a seat with Calum.

So Luke and I have a whole row to ourselves, which we took advantage of. Luke has be laydown, as he is on top of me making out with me. The other boys dont say anything to us, which just makes htis all the better.

"That's enough." Michael says, so we stop. We really dont want to make him any more mad.

The guy parks in a parking lot, and we see that it is a restaurant.

"I asked him to stop here. We get pancakes on the house!" Louis exclaims, as we all get out to head in.

"Hello guys, right this way." Says the nice waiter lady, that Michael seems to be checking out.

We can all tell he likes her, because he wants to be on the end, for once.

"Mikey has himself a crush!" Calum exclaims and everyone laughs as he blushes.

When she comes back with our pancakes, we all dig in, except Michael who is talking to the waitress.

After everyone eats their fill of the pancakes, we go back into the van.

"Who liked that place?" Calum asks, and everyone raises their hand, except Michael.

"She was too big of a fan, she was creepy, and i had to be polite..." He says sadly, and Calum gives him a hug.

"You'll find your true love. Trust me Mikey." Calum says, trying to cheer Michael up, and it surprisingly works.

We arrive at the venue and I smile.

"First London concert. First time away from Australia. First time touring with my best friend/boyfriend." I say, and Luke smiles and nods along.

"This is going to be fun." He says, pulling me over his shoulder and then running me into the venue, trying to quiet my screams before we enter the building, as everyone else walks and watches us while laughing, except Michael.

"It'll be okay buddy. It'll be okay in the end." I hear Calum say, right before Luke and I enter the venue.

I gain almost 500 reads every update, but there is only 30 reads on my last chapter? Odd, but at least people seem to like my story c:

Thanks so much for all of you guys reading this book! I hope you enjoy the book, because this is my favorite book of mine to write, but idk if you guys like it, but I hope you do.

Thanks for 2.5K every read counts xx ily to the moon and back.

What would you guys think of me having Malum in this book? Good or bad?

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