Chapter 15 - Hate Is A Strong Word

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After I return from crying out my eyes, I see all the guys, excluding Luke, standing in the hallway making sure I am not going to kill myself.

"I'm fine guys. I dont need him to treat me badly..."

"He is just blinded. He doesnt want to settle down yet. Just take a deep breath. When he realizes that you are the best fit for him, he will come crawling back."

"He is going to be sorry that he left though. He cant just be a douche bag and get away with it..."

"We understand that. We are here for you, Nikki."

"Thanks guys. You guys are really good friends."

I go back into my shared room with Calum, and Cal follows in behind me and shuts the door.

"So what do you want to do until supper with the guys?" Cal asks, and I just shrug my shoulders, not knowing what I want to do.

"I dont want to sit and mope, but I dont feel like doing anything. I feel hopeless without Luke by my side. I feel like he left without a reason again. I cant go through that again, and I didnt even think of him as a boyfriend, but now I do, and it will hurt worse. I cant lose him."

"Dont let him see that you are broken act strong and well put together tonight at dinner. Show him that you dont need him, he needs you."

"Thanks Cal." I say giving him a hug.

"Now lets watch some TV."

There wasnt anything both of you guys wanted to watch, so you just let him watch Teen Wolf. Its not that I hate that show, its okay and all, but I just dont understand it quite, but I dont think anyone really does...

"This is like the 2nd season, its so old, but so good!" Cal says half way through the show and you just ignore him, still looking at your phone.

"If you know what happens then why are you watching it?"

"Because I can do what I want." He says, and you laugh at his attempt to be a rebel.

"Says the boy wearing spiderman underwear."

"They're superman underwear, if you are going to make me look stupid, at least get your facts straight!"

"I cant stay mad at you Cal Pal."

"But oh, I can stay mad at you forever."

"Oh, really?"


"Then why are you still talking to me?"

He ignores you for about 30 seconds before he bursts out laughing.

"I told you so!"


"Pay up!"

"We didnt bet anything!"

"I dont care, pay up!"

"How much?"

"Like a penny."

"Here you are then." He says, handing you a 20 dollar bill.

"Thanks bud." I say, and run off with his money as he starts chasing you.

"If you dont want me to take it then dont offer it next time."

"I didnt know you had that fast of reflexes!"

I run into the hallway, causing a commotion, but neither of us really care. Having fun is all that matters.

I turn around to see how far Calum is, and he is catching up, so I turn around only to run into a statue like body.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" Asks the all too familar voice that you wish that you could get out of your head.

"I'm fine, dont touch me." I say, getting up and trying to walk off but he grabs my arm.

"Allow me to explain please."

"No, I can explain for you. You want to be a compulsive jerk, that if anyone lays even a hand on me, you will rip their heart out, but if anyone decides to make out with you anywhere in public it is suddenly okay. Anytime that anyone thinks that they are in love with you, then you will just break their pretty little heart for street cred. I'm through trying to be used. I'm done with you, I dont need you. Go find that girl on the plane, I bet she'd love to spend time with you again. Good day, Luke." I say, going into my hotel room and slamming the door.

Why does Luke have to be so mean to me? I never cheated on him, and its okay for him to do that to me! Is it necessary to make out with 5 different people in a day? I havent even kissed anyone today, and I dont plan to either.

"Nikki? Are you okay?" Calum walks into the room, looking for me. He finds me cuddled up in my sheets with my pillow pet.

"You were really brave out there. I am very proud of you."

"Thanks, but I'm not actually all that strong..."

"I know, but he was telling me that he thinks you hate him now."

"I do hate him. Down to every bone in his body."

"Hate is a strong word."

"I know."

"You love him too much."

"No I dont."

"Then what will you do when he comes crawling back?"

"Not allow it, unless he makes it up to me, like big time."

"If you hated him for real, then you wouldnt even give him a chance to make it up to you."

"Why cant you leave my love life alone for once?" You ask, sort of chuckling.

"Because I know that the only person you will ever need to hate is me."

"Shut up, I dont hate you."

"But you should,"


"Because I am always in your business and I know everything, just like an over protective parent."

"But I want that, I need that most of all right now Calum, or should I say dad." I say jokingly, and he smiles, getting in the bed to hug me, and then gets back out and throws away all my used tissues.

"Get out of bed, in less than an hour I need to fix your hair, your makeup, your outfit, and most of all, your attitude. You need sass like you had out there. You need to show Luke that he needs you. Okay?"

"Okay." I say, satisfied that I will show him that he needs me.

Youre welcome.

This didnt take over a month this time.

Thanks for the comments.

1.5K reads? Are you serious? Ily guys so much! <3 xx

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