Chapter 25 - New York City

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"Nikki, we are about to land... I would suggest you be awake when we hit the ground."

I uncuddle from Luke and look out the window, seeing tall skyscrapers and a very busy city below.

"You didnt have to uncuddle from me babe." Luke says, pouting.

"I want to watch out the window though..." I say, obviously whiny because I just woke up.

He pulls me back into him, and I try to escape his grasp but it is useless, so i finally give up.

"I hate you Luke Hemmings." I mumble into his green day tank top.

"I love you too." He says, kissing the top of my head.

All of a sudden there is a bump and we arent't flying anymore.

"Is Nikki still sleeping?"

"No I'm not you dipshit." I say, still not very awake or in a good mood.

"Are you still on your period?"

"Yes. In fact I am." I say, in a monotone voice because questions are just annoying me so much right now.

It still will be a while before the plane parks, so i take that as an advantage to think.

My childhood best friend, bought me tickets to his show, that I didnt even know about. He was in a band all along traveling with One Direction, only the biggest boyband on the planet Of course, he never told me so I never knew. I hadnt even heard of 5 Seconds of Summer until I looked at the tickets. I had no clue. Before I even got there, on the plane, I had met Calum Hood. He was very friendly. I never thought of anything connecting. Puzzles pieces never clicked into my mind. Of course they didnt. I dont think anyone would have ever thought of it connecting some how. Or it may just be me... Maybe everyone else would have searched and searched for their long lost best friend until they either found him or died. I didnt. I was scared that he had a new life. A girlfriend.

I was beyond scared to call him or to try to contact him. If I did I thought that maybe some girl would answer his phone. Now I realize, it probably would have been one of his silly band mates that answered it. 'Ooh who is Nikki?' 'Is this your best friend you left?' 'Her contact picture is hottt'... Those boys are insane, so I could totally picture that. Couldn't you? Ashton being all 'ooh'. Calum being all serious about it and then starting to tease him. Michael teasing the whole time and making sure to cuss a lot. Those boys are so damn uncontrollable.

I'm happy that I got to see Luke and stuff, but I just wish he never left me stranded for two years all on my own. All I did was wonder what happened. I cried over it for a while, but soon I had more worries, like my dead siblings. The ones that should be alive right now and not me. The world is just like a fucking jail. I cant breathe. I can hardly speak. It feels like my decisions in life have hurt me, but I guess that helps me be me and all but seriously? Why can't I just have a perfect life, like a model or something? I'm so tired of being me.

"Nikki, we can unload now." Luke says, waking me up from my thoughts.

"Oh." I murmur, unbuckling my seat belt and grabbing my things.

"When we walk through this door, there will be a lot of girls trying to meet us, so I am going to have to be Dr. Fluke and protect you." He says, smirking. I send him a small smile, trying to mentally prepare myself for this.

We walk into the main area, and trust me, there is a mob of girls. They wont calm down. Security is trying to hold them back. Its useless. I am going to die. Right here, and right now.

There must be like 1000 girls that want to meet 5SOS and I just dont know if I want to do this.

Luke goes up to a security guard and whispers in his ear, and he nods. Soon, everyone is quieted down.

"They will do a brief meet and greet if you guys can stay under control and be polite!" The same security guard says, and the girls form in a line. The line goes all the way into most of the area and I just might grab the security guard's taser and relieve myself.

The meet and greet takes forever, but the guys seem to think it is an amazing way to meet fans, so I dont want to disappoint them. I just stand there, meeting the fans that want to meet me, occasionally signing a pic or taking a photo.

Overall, the fans were really nice and polite. Some of them were a little mean, but I could over look it for the sake of Luke and his band mates.

After everyone was finally done, we head outside to the tour bus. When I walked outside, I wasn't quite prepared for a surprise, but I was glad to see him none the less.


Who's Alex? You'll have to wait and see *evil laugh*

anyways, thank you so much for reading this awful book. i didnt update like i said i would. i didnt realize my mom is meaner when i am on christmas break... :(

but i should update around the first of the year xx

i love you xx

bye bye xx

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