Chapter 10 - Am I Forgiven Yet?

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I wake up to wet kisses everywhere on my face.


"Wake up penguin." He says, and I just cover my face with the blanket.

"Time to wake up sweet pea." He says, taking the covers from me, displaying my "pajamas" which includes his shirt and underwear.

"Well, I gotta go shower..." I say, looking down, realizing I cant get off without help.

"Help me Hemmo."

"If you fo-"

"Luke, stop." Ashton says, and helps me down.

I thank him and head to the shared bathroom, to use the terrible shower.


I get out of the shower, dry off, and get dressed. I decide to just steal Cal's NASA shirt and wear Miss Me Shorts.

"Why my shirt?" Cal complains, which causes Luke to look up from his phone and frown.

I feel bad for doing this to Luke, but he needs to learn to just leave other girls alone.

"I just really like it. If you dont want me to wear it Calum, just tell me.

"No you look good in it." Cal says smiling, and Luke scowls and punches him.

"It isnt my fault I find your girlfriend sexy in my shirt."

"Now it is your turn to be jealous, Mr. Hemmings." I say, and sit next to Calum on the "love seat".

"Please can I be forgiven?" He asks, and I shake my head no.

"This is the worst time to say it, but you are so cute when you are mad!" I say, and he smiles, then remembers he should be mad and goes off to his bunk.

"Why are you being so mean to Luke?" Cal asks and I just shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not being mean. He is in the dog house and I didnt want to wear any of my shirts."

"Okay. He is really sorry though."

"I know, and he is really cute when he is upset. That isnt the point though. I want him to know that he cant go around getting drunk and being instantly forgiven."

"He loves you with all of his heart."

"And I love him with all of mine, but sometimes, you have to love them so much to teach them the right way to live. Like a mother and her child."

"You think deeply."

"Its just in my nature."

I get up to go check on Luke and see him smiling at his phone.

"Why are you smiling like a dork."

"Because I am a dork."

"How so?"

"I am deeply in love with satan himself."

"Haha. Want in the dog house for longer?"

"Ruff ruff. That means "No, Mommy" in dog latin."

I laugh and he does too.

I take his phone and see a lot of twitter comments.

Forgive Luke plz. Lukki is so cute and he doesnt even remember the name of the girl.

I dont want to see Lukki end. ):

Luke loves you. I understand you are mad, but love defeats evil doings. Just think about it. x

Nikki isnt stupid for doing this, i see her reasoning, but I just really want Lukki to be forever. It is obvious they are soulmates. Penguins and koalas go together! x

I love you Nikki, and I love you Luke. Wanna know why? Because you guys love each other! x

I look up at Luke and I just shake my head.

"Still in the dog house..."


It has been a week since I have let Luke kiss me and honestly I miss him so much! I think his terms are over.

I shower quickly and put on his shirt and some of his sweat pants.


"Yes penguin?"

"Guess what!"

"Am I forgiven?"


He comes up to me and kisses me, and this time I dont reject.

He makes up for the week in just a simple kiss, that ends too soon.

"I love you so much penguin."

"I love you more koala."

"In your dreams. I love you most."

"I love you to the moon and back."

"Stop being so cute and go make out in the bed!" Michael screams.

"I hate this band." Luke says.

"Shut up Luke!" Michael replies, and I just let Muke continue their argument, by video taping it.

@Nikki_loves_you: Muke having a cute bromance moment. Fighting and making up with a bro hug! Adorbs xx

@Ashton5sos: @Nikki_loves_you has learned video taping from the best (me)

"Nikki!" I hear the boys yell and I laugh as I go hide in Ash's bunk.

Soon, Michael finds me.

"Why would you do that? Muke was just calming down because of Lukki!"

"I'm sorry. I couldnt pass off great filming material!" I say, defending myself.

Luke comes up and starts tickling me.


"Nope." I say just to be stubborn, so he doesnt stop, and I lean up to him and leave a love bite on his neck, and he immediately stops tickling me so his lips can meet mine.

"The plan was to tickle her until she deletes the video, not get all sexual gross!" Michael screams, sort of, running off to the other boys to talk about their upcoming England shows, which we fly out in the morning to go to.

Luke tries to make me go to the bunk with him, but I wanna know what the others are talking about.

"I cant wait to be in London again." Ash says, smiling as I walk in.

"I'm just nervous leaving Australia." I say, and they all nod, knowing I have never left even my small hometown before the concert.

"It will be loads of fun."

"We have to go to Starbucks a lot." Luke says and they all nod. Wow.

"Do we really? You guys already go to it a lot here."

"Well, we will go as much as usual."

Which is basically daily.

"Why not somewhere else?" I ask, and they all shrug their shoulders, and I just give up, not wanting to argue.

"I'm going to bed. Night boys!" I say and they all murmur nights as Luke and I go off to our bunk, him finally helping me up instead of Ash having to.

I know this is really short, but it is also REALLY IMORTANT because she forgave him and you saw a bit of her doubts about going out of Australia.

Love you! xx (:




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