Chapter 22 - Surprise Surprise

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"The first among the 3 surprises is that she will be performing Long Way Home with me, acoustic version of course. I cover my parts, she covers all the others. You ready?"

This time I dont hear any boos and it makes me quite happy. This place doesnt scare me as much when they are all happy that I am here and stuff. I'm scared now about the fact that I will mess up somehow and they all notice... That would be so bad. I dont like performing on stage and ideas just go through my mind, so I mean it isnt as easy for me as some others.

Luke hands me an acoustic guitar and we each sit on a stool and start the song.

We’re taking the long way home
Taking the long way home

Take me back to the middle of nowhere
Back to the place only you and I share
Remember all the memories?
The fireflies and make-believe
Kicking back in the old school yard
Singing songs on our guitars
This is our reality
Crazy stupid, you and me

 Before I know it, I get really into the song and forget that the crowd is there or anything. I just sing my parts and let Luke sing his.

The song ends before I am ready for it to end, and the crowd applauds and I just stand there admiring it.

"I love this so much." I say and they just smile at me. They made me realize I like this stuff. It isnt half bad...

"Now for your second surprise." He says, telling Ashton to go get it.

Ashton sets a huge box at my feet and I look at it. It's duct taped real good and it says it was recently just shipped and its heavy, so this is going to take a while to get out to say the least. Ashton hands me a pocket knife and I start to cut the duct tape, but it doesnt budge.

"Push harder babe." Luke says and I just roll my eyes. I finally get the knife to cut the duct tape but then I let Luke take over because I dont want to cut myself and guys are a lot tougher, or in this instance at least.

"Now all you have to do is take the top off the box babe."

I lift up the lid and see an electric guitar with ACDC signatures.

"Oh my gosh. This is fucking awesome!" I say, grabbing the guitar out of the case and showing the crowd.

"Its just a guitar!" I hear but i smile and shake my head no.

"It has ACDC signatures on it." I say into the microphone and the whole crowd looks and sounds surprised and happy for me.

Before the show I had at least half the crowd booing me, so what happened? I know almost everyone is saying something and its something good from each of them, so I dont know hwere the haters went honestly.

"Now babe, are you ready for your final gift?" He asks me and I shrug my shoulders as he kisses my cheek.

"I'll be right back." Michael says into the microphone and I just nod. Why all these big gifts?

"Why are you doing so much?"

"Because I have missed 3 birthdays of yours." He says through the microphone unintentionally and the whole crowd gasps.

Michael comes back and the crowd cheers so he does bows and looks like he is holding a leash. He pulls the dog out further and here comes a black labrador.

"Oh my gosh, a dog!" I exclaim and run to go pet it, earning laughs from the crowd.

"Does she have a name?" I ask.

"No. She's a year old but as soon as she was born she was put in a shelter and they helped her grow up before she could die and we came just in time to find her. She's very lucky. You can name her."

"Hmm... What name will suit you?" I ask, in a soft voice while petting my new dog.

"I think I will let the crowd name her." I say, turning to the crowd allowing them to shout out names.

I heard Nicole and it stuck.

"Who said Nicole?" I ask, and a little girl raises her hand.

"Why dont you and your mom come up here sweetie. You get to talk to me and pet Nicole." I say to her, and her eyes light up and she is practically dragging her mom up the stairs to the stage.

"Hello sweetie." I say and she gives me a hug.

"Ever since Luke with out with you everyone has hated you but I loved you from the start. You are amazing for Luke." She says.

The girl goes over to the dog and pets it but then she says her goodbyes and gets off the stage with her mom.

"Fans like those are what I live for." Luke tells me and I nod.

"Can I go back to the dressing room now?" I ask and he nods, so I take my guitar and dog and take them to the room.

"Hey Nicole." I say to her, and she runs up to me.

At least I have company for the tour now... I should probably call my mom...

I dial her familar number and wait for her to answer.

"Hello sweetie." She says, sounding kind of sad.

"What's wrong mom?"

"Your dad got into a car wreck. He didnt get hurt that badly. One broken bone is all, but it got me thinking that some drivers just dont deserve to be on the roads if they are going to be so careless to others."

"I know mom."

"Oh yeah, your dad and I say happy 14 years of knowing Luke!"

"Thanks mom. He got me stuff for it and I got him something but I didnt want to do it on stage."

"What did he get you?"

"A performance on stage, a dog, and an ACDC autographed guitar."

"That's awesome sweetheart. What did you get him?"

"A new flannel shirt with the 5sos logo on the back and his name on the pocket."

"Sounds cool sweetheart, I need to go."

"Bye momma."

This night is going to be in 3 chapters

ily bye bye xx

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