Chapter 33 - Goodbyes

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The last day in California was fun. The last few days driving to New York were filled with big play fights of all sorts. I almost forgot that I was leaving them. After I board the plane though, they instantly start driving to Canada. I'm expected to message him when I am back in Australia. I'll do that. It'll still be nearly a day though. I really just don't wanna leave the boys. They're all amazing. They are all like family, but I need to go to my parents. They need me now...

"We are here." The driver says. I grab my bag and exit with only the 5sos boys. The One Direction boys didn't want to cause a scene when says bye. We already have security done with somehow. It's amazing what being a professional singer will do.

I get to my terminal and have to wait. They have me in first class, so I'll have some luxuries. I just wish Luke could come home with me. I love him. I don't want to leave him. I want to stay joint to the hip with him always. That seems impossible with his crazy life.

Looking around at all the people waiting, they seem to be okay. They don't seem upset. Everyone is over joyed. Of course, they're probably seeing family, not leaving family.

"I don't wanna leave." I say, looking at Luke. Both of us are nearly in tears.

"I don't want you to leave either." He says, trying to stay piece together.

I look him straight in the eyes and just start crying. I wish I wasn't this emotional but I am. I can't stand leaving him. He's my life. He's my savior. He's my everything. Without him, I'm nothing.

They soon call for 1st class passengers, and I hug Ashton first.

"I hope you and that one girl work out. She's perfect for you." I say, going to hug Calum and Michael.

"Don't break each other's hearts, ya hear?" I say, laughing through my tears.

I hug Luke. He lifts me up off my feet and holds me. I feel so fragile, but safe in his arms. He makes me feel in ways I never knew were possible. He puts me back on my feet, leaving me to make the journey to the girl.

I give her my ticket, and she scans it and tells me to board. I start my way up to the plane slowly. I don't want to accept that I am leaving him. I can't handle this. Without him, I just wouldn't be able to survive. I hardly survived the two years without him. Now, I am about to explode. He's my love, my life. He's my everything. Why can't I just stay with him? Or  he come with me? But I know I am being selfish. I know he has a career. A career that doesn't cater to me. I'll be okay, as long as nothing happens to him. As long as I get to hug him again, I will be just fine...

Luke's POV (surprise bitch)

Watching the terminal door shut, I break. The boys don't know what to say, and I don't expect them to be able to tell. Ashton, just started his relationship. Cal and Mike will never have to leave their other half... Louis, Zayn, and Liam know more about the pain than anyone else. They know what it's like. They know what it's like to have to leave behind their life, their love, and their emotions. They know exactly what it's like. Maybe they'll have some advice for me.

Nikki should be with her family, I can't be selfish and make her all mine. I can't just make her leave her family. She deserves to see them, especially since they were just in a minor wreck. They'll need her, and she needs them.

My band mates and I start to exit the airport when someone taps on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I ask, trying to dry my tears and be polite.

"I saw you and Nikki. You two are really cute and I can tell you guys are in love. The pain both of you guys are in is tough, but you'll survive." The girl about 2 years younger than me says.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me." I say, and she smiles walking off.

"Do you want something signed or a picture or something?" I ask her.

"Not really. Its okay. You need to go. Your band mates are leaving you."

I hug her quickly and peck her cheek before chasing my band mates.I had to run through guys in business suits and stuff. They seem in no hurry, but I am on the other hand. I can't lose the guys in this huge ass airport.

"Ashton! Cal! Mikey!" I say, causing them to turn around and see me a few hundred feet back. They wait for me, trying not to laugh at my stupidity.

I finally catch up to them and they start walking again.

"Sorry, a fan was talking to me and then y'all were gone. Assholes like you." I say, not mad, just teasing and they just laugh continuing to exit.

Getting back out into the daylight, I see the bus and we get on it.

"Mate, your eyes are all puffy." They tell me, and I just nod.

"What's the problem with that? I don't get to see my girlfriend for a long while." I say, trying to shrug it off.

"We know. You will be just fine."

But will I? How can I concentrate during a concert when I only have her on my mind?

Hey guys! seven more chapters + epilogue and we will be done. I was gonna update 2 days ago to keep it steady, but look how that turned out :( anyways, hope you enjoyed! x sorry it had to be so sad... :(

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