Chapter 3 - Selfies; Hotel Room Fun

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"Well, I am so glad you liked it. When your parents told me the idea of you watching tonight's show, I was worried that you wouldn't like the piercing..."

"Then, it just means that you had nothing to worry about." I say, smiling widely, feeling like my lips are about to fall off, in a good way of course...

"I missed you so much Nikki..."

"Yeah, no kidding, he almost left the tour to see you one time, actually a few times..." Ashton cuts in.

"Awe, that's sweet, but at least you had a band and fans to distract you, I was just alone with my mom and dad..."

"Did you not not have other friends?"

"I did, but as soon as you left, they ditched me, but I don't mind. You are hot, I admit that. I understood why they would use me..." I say, babbling on and on, until he puts his finger on my lips, and then I lick him.

"Gross, you certainly haven't changed, at all."

"You have though. Puberty was good to you." I say, teasing him.

"I know, I am so hot now, aren't I?"

"I would say in your dreams, but you are living your dream, so yes, you are hot."

"Can you stay a few more hours with us? Plz?"

"Ask my parents." I say, motioning to them, as they nod their heads yes, and everyone rejoices at the news.

"I am really glad you guys like me, because I have absolutely no friends at school..."

"We can fix that!" Calum explains, and I look at him confused.

"If we take pics with you, and put it on your twitter, and all of our twitters, and internet sites, then everyone will know about you..."



"Might as well give it a try..." I say, as we attempt to take photos with everyone, like I said, attempt.

I post 2 pictures on my internet sites, on with Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton, and one with Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

The 5SOS guys, take a picture with me and post it on all of their accounts, and the same with the 1D guys.

Luke posted under his photo "Had so much fun meeting up with my BFF again! She hasn't changed! Love you Nikki! :-*" and everyone seemed happy to have met me, and I was excited to meet all of them. They are just normal guys who happened to have gotten famous, but they totally deserved it too!

Instantly, thousands of comments post on the accounts asking who I am. Some are really supportive, and they make me feel good, but there are also bad comments that I try to keep from getting to me, as the guys tell me just to ignore the hate, but it is kind of hard...

"They are just jealous you have known me since we were 5." Luke reassures me, as I look at the comments on his twitter page.

Why are you friends with her? She's fat!

She is so ugly. You have the band anyways! You don't need her!

Was she always this ugly?

How can you be friends with her?

She looks like a slut!

What the heck? Eww!

Tears start streaming, as Luke tries to make the silent tears stop with his thumb nail.

"It's ok. They are just doing that to be mean. I will be right back. Cal! Come comfort her, I have to do something..."

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