Chapter 18 - No Comment

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This is really short sorry.

I exit the hotel room, only to see something I never planned to see in my life.

"Michael? Calum?"

"yes?" They both ask, quite casually and I just try to surpress a laugh.

"Having fun?" I ask, and they nod, happily.

"Never in a million years I thought that you two would hook up."

"Only the band and you can know! The fans cant find out, it could ruin us..." Michael says, and Calum nods in agreeance.

"I wont be the one to tell. I promise." I say, noticing that Luke is now wrapping his arms around me from the back.

"What aren't you telling?"

"Umm... I'll let them tell you..." I say, surpressing my laugh.

"Well..." Michael starts looking embarassed.

"Him and I are dating. Dont tell anyone. We will tell Ashton."

"Tell me what?" Ashton asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Okay, Michael and I are dating, dont tell anyone. I dont want to ruin anything."

"I'm happy for you guys!" Ashton exclaims, hugging the both of them.

"Awe, Ashie is the only single one!" Luke fake pouts and Ashton hugs him, laughing.

Thats what i love about these guys, they always are so happy, sweet, and passionate with each other and their band. They trust each other and they are honestly like family. It's adorable.

"So have you guys always been that way?" Luke asks, and Calum nods, but Michael shakes his head no.

"Oh I see, the closeted gay, and the unknowing gay. Perfect." He answers and they crack a smile, appreciating that everyone is taking this lightly...

Luke is about to ask another question, but i stop him with a kiss.

"I forgot what I was going to say." Luke says blushing.

"You are welcome boys." I say walking off like I own the place. I turn around and see everyone following me.

"I must be a role model!" I say and flip my hair jokingly, the boys all laughing as I push the elevator button and wait.

The doors open and we all pile on, but we have to stop 3 times before we get to the bottom to pick up others. It was full by the time we got to the bottom, and by full I mean stuffed... Cram packed.

"So what do the love birds want to do?" Ashton asks looking at Luke and I, but meaning Michael and Calum.

This is going to be fun...

It is so short, I am so sorry. I just needed a filler... With Malum c:

The Character Ask:






Nikki's Mom:

Nikki's Dad:


Yay lets do this. c:

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