Chapter 9 - The Zoo; Jealousy?

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"Nikki! Nikki! Nikki! Wake up! Nikki! Penguin! Get your lazy butt up!" Luke yells, jumping on the bed.

"What the heck?"

"We are going to surprise you! Come on! We gotta hurry if we wanna see the whole thing!"

I get up and he immediately stops jumping, as I get dressed right there on the bus, not caring that everyone can see me, because it isnt like they are pervs and I am sure Luke doesnt mind.

I wear one of his shirts and tie it with a pony tail so it wont be so long and put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans (not black, just jeans) and I decided to wear my purple converse.

"You look so beautiful penguin." Luke says, and kisses my cheek, and I see that he is already dressed and so is everyone else.

"The bus is on its way already. We will have so much fun!" Luke says excited, and everyone laughs, and I obviously look confused.

We come to a stop, and Luke blind folds me.

It feels like I have been walking forever when I trip over something, and i feel like 10 different arms pick me back up and one of them just carries me over their shoulder.

"Be careful with my penguin, she is very fragile."

"No problem mate."

"Why the heck is Ashton carrying me?" I ask, and Ash laughs.

"I want my koala."

"You two need to stop being so lovey dovey, and he is carrying some things so unless you want him carrying you one handed, you have to be on me. Sorry to disappoint." He says, and I laugh, and just pat, what I assume, is his back.

"Careful on the back, it feels broken."

I finally get put down, and Ashton unblind folds me.

I look around to see the penguin exibit right in front of me. We are at the zoo.

"Oh my gosh Luke!" I yell.

"I love you so much!" I say, and he smiles.

"Anything for my penguin."

We look at the penguins and then decide to just walk around.

"Oh my gosh, pandas!"




By the end of the day, we have seen so much. Pandas, penguins, koalas, and so much more. I am just ready to go nap with my koala.

"Did you have fun penguin?"

"Of course, you are the best!" I say.

"I know. I know."

"I almost forgot... What were you carrying that you couldnt hold me?"

They wouldnt let me look in the bag until we were in the tour bus, and now we are, so I wanna see.

"Ok. Close your eyes, and I will place it in your hand." I did as I was told, waiting not-so-patiently.

I feel a weight, not too heavy, on my hands and I wonder what it is.

"Open your eyes."

I look down to see a necklace with my name in cursive, and then a penguin decal on both sides.

"Oh my gosh! I love it Lukey!!" I say, using his nickname that he hates, but he just laughs. I smile innocently and he laughs along with the other boys.

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