Chapter 16 - Dinner

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Calum starts with my makeup, but then goes to my outfit, having trouble out of what I packed, but he finds a casual yet dressy outfit. Then, he goes onto my attitude.

"You are going to go out there and show him that he needs you. You are going to have him crawling back to you, and when he asks for forgiveness, tell him whatever you want to, okay? I can only give you advice to that point, because your heart makes the decisions from there."

"Thanks Calum, I look good."

"You look so sexy, he is going to need you when you stroll in there. And we need to make sure we are casually late that way when you stroll in there, all eyes are on you, including his.

Looking in the mirror one last time, you smirk.

The outfit he picked is just perfect. It is a black nirvana smiley tee with a red, black, and white flannel accomplanied with ripped jean shorts and black vans. This outfit is sure to take Luke onto a whole new level of needing me...

"Are you ready?" Calum asks at exactly six. We were supposed to be down stairs at the dinner right now, but being casually late will be just fine.

Luke's POV

They were supposed to be here by now! They aren't that late, but I am very eager to apologize to her and just get it over with. I miss her so much and I was just being stupid today, but I cant apologize to her when she's not here.

With her being late, I just second guess myself some more... What if she doesnt forgive me? What if she cant trust me ever again?

"Luke, mate, you need to see this." Ashton says, snapping me out of my day dream as I look up to see Calum walking in without Nikki.

"Where's Nikki?" I ask, trying not to make it obvious that I want to see her.

"She had to go to the bathroom, she'll be here in a minute.

I sit there, talking to the guys for a few minutes and then all of a sudden, all of their eyes go to the door.

My eyes slowly look up to see her strolling in.

Must I say, she looks hot. Is that my flannel? No. Cant be. She hasnt forgiven me yet, that must be hers...

"Damn." I mutter and they all look at me.

Nikki sits beside Calum, and he is right across from me, so there's no way to avoid her.

I swallow, looking at the menu, trying to decide what to do about this whole situation.


"What Luke?"

"Can I tell you something?"


"I need you."


"I miss you so much Nikki. Today has been terrible without you. I was being stupid, because I dont even know. All I know is I probably lost you. I really need you in my life. I can be patient till you are ready, but I just need you. It isnt that I ever wanted to leave you. I dont know what I was thinking today. Normally, I'm not desperate. I'm even still a virgin, so I dont know why I was snogging other girls, but I did that because... I wanted to make sure you were the one. Before you, I've never kissed anyone else, so I didnt know what other kisses we like. Those girls were nothing compared to you. You are my world, my everything. Thats totally noticable now. I dont know why it took me kissing other girls to know, but I've screwed up and if you never forgive me again, I understand. I am just stupid and self centered and an idiot and a jerk. I am any bad word in the book. You can call me whatever bad thing you can come up with, because I completely deserve it, through and through. Nikki, we've been through thick and thin as best friends, and this is just a point where everything turns, and there will be fights and stupidity, mostly from me, but hopefully we can over come this obstacle. I hope you can forgive me."


"Yeah?" I am so hoping and praying she forgives me...

"I love you." She mutters through tears.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because that made me so happy."

I look down the table and see that Ashton is recording.

"Did you record this whole thing?"

"Yeah, but its not on the internet, yet. Its going on youtube... right... now." He says, smiling as he just uploaded it, as I roll my eyes.

Next, I turn to Calum and see him chatting with Harry.

"Yo, Cal, can I trade you rooms now?"

"Yeah. Heres the room key." He says, handing it over, as I hand him my old one.

"We can change our luggage later." I say, as I get emmersed in the menu again and decide on a steak, that I will be sharing with Nikki.

Nikki's POV

The steak comes out for Luke and I. It is so delicious and we finish the whole thing, with no leftovers. We even devoured our sides we got, baked potato and corn.

"That was so good." He mutters and I nod.

We head back to the rooms alone so we can catch up from our fighting.

"I am really sorry though, about everything."

"Dont apologize. You are already forgiven from that lovely heart felt speech that caused me to fall in love with you all over again."

"I love you babe." He says leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you too." I say, right before our lips connect and we have a little heated moment.

Shortly afterwards, it is ruined by the guys climbing up the stairs.

"Oh hi guys. Just thought we'd wait for you since I need my stuff..." Luke says casually as Calum takes him to the room and he wheels out his stuff and takes in to our now shared room, as Luke brings out Calum's stuff too.

Before we know it, its just me and Luke in our room talking.

"I missed this." He said.

"Me too." I say, cuddling into him and going to sleep.

I felt like updating, so I did c: hope you enjoyed

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2k?????? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? ILY ILY ILY ILY ILY YOU GUYS NEVER DISAPPOINT ME xx c: xxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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