Chapter 31 - It's Vegas Baby!

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I wish i could rewind time that way I never have to lose Luke again, or even at all if I go far enough back. Too bad that isn't possible. Here I am, only a week away from losing Luke again. Yes, the tour will end and he'll get to see me again. The thing is, his career just took off 2 years ago. Those boys aren't planning on stopping for a while, and I am not going to get in the way of that. There's no reason to ruin his dreams. Without his music, he's not as confident. He's not himself. I'm not going to take that away from him to be selfish. I'll just have to make this week count.

We are packing up after tonights show to head to California. Tonight, it's all about the Las Vegas crowd. Since Luke and I are now 18 we can gamble slightly, but I don't think we will. The boys need sleep, and honestly so do I. Tour is exhausting. It's hard to sleep no matter what on a tour bus. Most of the time, the boys end up drinking beer to keep themselves awake. Even though illegal in America, it's Australian beer so what's the harm? Plus, the driver doesn't even know. They don't even get drunk, I won't allow them to or else I will never let them drink beer again. They've stayed in line, for the most part. At least these boys can handle alcohol pretty well.

It's almost time for soundcheck, so the boys get dressed while I sit in the bathroom waiting for the boys to learn how to put their outfits on. I get dressed way faster than they ever do... And I'm a girl. Now, isn't this backwards? That's not the only thing though... I'm dating a guy that takes longer in the bathroom than I do! All for his stupid quiff. I honestly think he should leave it flat. Flat haired Luke is amazing. The fans would love it, but he insists on the quiff...

They are finally done, so I get out of the bathroom to wait on the boys to fix their hair.

"Damn it, i am out of hair spray!" Luke yells. The other boys laugh and I just roll my eyes.

"And you call me a diva." I say getting out of my bed and bringing him my hairspray.

"This is a full bottle. I swear if you use more than a fourth of this bottle then I will make you hurt so bad you wanna die. Is that clear?"

"Yes bit- I mean ma'am..." He says smirking and shutting the door behind him.

Once everybody is ready we head to the stadium for sound check that turns into goofing off. That's nothing unusual but they'll complain about being tired to me later and I won't have it.

"I swear just get the necessities done so I can sleep." I yell at the boys, and they look scared.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing, just do your stuff."

"Are you on your period?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Why the hell does it concern you?"

"Cause I am your boyfriend."

"Fine. I am but just get done. i am fine."

Luke disappears off some place, and I sit down and attempt to sleep.

"I'm back penguin..."

I open my eyes to see chocolate and a Dr. Pepper in his hands.

"I hope this makes up for the dumb asses over there."

"It does. Thank you Lukey."

"Ashton, get off your phone and participate!" Calum yells. The 1D boys seemed to have left the 5sos boys to do all the work, and it seems to not bother anyone at all, just me.

"Its not my fault you all have your lovers and I'm stuck texting!"

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. You know that girl Ashton met in Texas? Yeah, she asked him out and now they're happily dating. Long distance is hard, but Ashton promises that he'll see her as much as possible. They're really cute for each other. It's a shame that they won't be together often... But they'll survive, I know they will.

I start to drink my Dr. Pepper when my phone starts ringing. It's an unfamiliar number, but I answer anyways.

"Is this Nikki?"

"Yes it is. Who am I speaking to?"

"I'm Rosemarie from Sydney Hospital. I just called to let you know that your parents have been in an accident. Nothing major. I assure you they are fine. They really wanted me to call you to tell you that you guys wont have phone calls for a while because their phones are at home."

"How long will they be in the hospital?"

"A few days is all. When you get home in a week, it would be nice for you to help take care of them."

"How'd you know it'll be a week?"

"Your parents have talked to me quite a bit."

"Okay, thank you for calling."

"No problem. They didn't even break anything. Just cuts and bruises on them both. The other people weren't so lucky."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"A semi truck t-boned a car at an intersection, causing the car to roll and hit your parent's car's front bumper then it rolled up onto the windshield. The glass inserted their faces and arms. The impact wasn't as bad as it could have been."

"Thank you. I need to go now."

I hang up and the guys give me confused facial expressions.

"My parents were in a minor car wreck. In the hospital for a few days with major cuts and bruises to the face and arms." I say, somehow containing my anger and sadness."

They all apologize and say that they're done here until the show. We just wait outside in the parking lot and wait in the tour bus till showtime.

hey, its kind of short.. sorry babes x

but updates should start coming every week bc its been almost a YEAR that ive been writing this. if you are here from the beginning I love you.

I love all of you though, I just wouldn't have the patience...


xx cx xx

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