Chapter 1 - The Plane Ride; Hotel Room

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As soon as I get out of the family hug, I run to the car, and wait for them to come out with the small luggage they had packed last night, I am guessing.

"We are staying the night, so we dont have to get back home at like 3 in the morning... Is that okay?"

"It's perfect mom and dad! I love you guys so much!" I say, and they smile as we head to the airport.

My parents told me that the plane ride will only be about an hour and fifteen minutes long, so I shouldnt get too bored...

We make it to the airport, and try to hurry through security and make it to the area of the plane with 30 minutes to spare.

"Mom, I am going to the bathroom. I will be right back."

"I'll come with you."

We all go to the bathrooms, and leave our stuff with trust worthy looking people to watch over.

As we come back out, we head back and thank the people for watching our pretty pink luggage for us, and head back to our seats to wait the remaining 20 minutes.

I get out my favorite book, The Fault in Our Stars" out and start reading until the call for our section (coach) to board the plane.

It is a relief to be on the plane first, and get settled in before anyone else.

Dad has to sit with a stranger, as mom and I sit together.

"Good morning riders! I hope you guys are comfortable and ready for the flight ahead. I am the pilot, Rodger Marnin and my co-pilot today is Mary Minister. Sit back and relax as we are about to take off. Turn off all eletronic devices, and please stay seat  belted in until you are allowed to be up again."

I sit back, with my gum, that way my ears wont get plugged up as badly.

The take off was smooth, compared to what I thought it would be like, and I am really hoping that everything goes good, because I wouldnt like to die on my first plane ride...

As soon as we are higher, I feel myself relaxing and getting back into my book.

My mom swats my book out of my hand after a while, and I see that she is asleep.

"Here you go. This is your book, right?" says a boy, about my age.

"Yeah, I am so sorry. My sleeping mummy is waking stuff out of my hand..."

"I thought mummies were dead!" He says, attempting to make a joke, so i just awkwardly laugh, to not make him feel bad.

"I'm Calum!"

"Hi, I am Nikki!"

Something lights up in his eyes, and I guess I looked confused, because he then says that my name is pretty.

"Thanks Calum." I say blushing.

"So, where are you headed?" he asks me.

"A One Direction concert."

"Oh, well, then, I will tell you now, I am one of the people in the opening act..."

"Oh my! I will see you backstage too then!"

"Awesome!" he says, and turns back around for a second.

I decide just to leave him alone, because he is probably busy and all.

"We are high enough in the air to be on electronic devices and to get up!" One of the flight attendants announced, as i pull out my phone to play some games.

"So, Calum?"


"Why arent you with your band?"

"I took a small break to hang with the family, everyone did, except one of them, decided to just stay with another for a couple of days..."

"Oh. That's nice."

"Yeah. The concert is at 7, but the band has to practice at 3... And set up..."

"I'm sorry, I think my family and I are just checking into the hotel and chilling until about 5:30 to head to the concert for not too much of a crowd."

"Yeah, good idea."

I just nod, and we go back into our own world.

At least I met one of them before the meet and greet so I can for sure like one of them...

"The plane will start descending, so everyone needs back in their seats." The flight attendant announced, and with that, everyone sat down, and relaxed once again.

Calum sits there, and chats with the others around the area, just being a friendly guy.

"The plane has landed, and I hope you guys have had a great time, I will be meeting you outside the plane. Have fun while you are in Sydney, Australia!"

They start letting us get off, and I get out behind Calum, as he pulls his hood up to hide from obsessed fans.

"Bye Nikki! See you tonight!"

"Bye Calum! Don't let the obsessed fans kill you before your show!"

He just laughs, and hugs me bye.

"I see you met someone..." My dad says, and i just laugh.

"He is in the opening act, just trying to get to know one of the guys from the band..."

My parents nod, and they look like they are keeping something from me, but i dont mind, not one bit. They always keep stuff from me, it is nothing new.


We make it to the hotel, and it is very nice, and it looks like I am checked into the same hotel as the bands, by the way crowds are outside.

My parents grab the purchase sheet to show the front desk, and some guards have to escort us and us only to the 5th floor.

"You dont look obsessed like the other fans, but we have to make sure you don't bother them, and nobody bothers you."

"Thanks." I mutter, as mom unlocks the door, and dad slides the luggage inside, as i follow, closing the door, as the guards stand to protect my door way.

This room is a suite and is huge.

"Oh my gosh! It has 4 beds!"

We are only going to use two beds, so i dont see the reason for such a big room...

I hear screaming, and I go to the hallway.

"Hey guys. Whats the noise?" I ask the guards.

"The obsessed fans have to leave and want to show their appreciation for them, and then they get rushed back. Sorry for the inconvienence."

"Dont worry. I wasnt inconvienenced at all, just was wondering." I say, smiling and closing the door once again.

Tonight is going to be fun!

Hey guys! Finally got it up! I am really happy! And i love exclaimation marks! I plan to update again, in not too long, only about another few hours till it is up! I can't wait to write more!




:) xx

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