Chapter 20 - Mood Swings

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I wake up and make sure i didnt bleed through again, and luckily I didnt. The universe is actually on my side for once.

I look around and see Luke nowhere in sight. Ugh. He should be here cuddling me, not being too busy with his band. He has known me longer...

What am i talking about? This is just cause I am on my period, my emotions are all out of wack. I'm mad at Luke because he left me, that doesnt sound like the normal me, but who cares, I certainly dont...

I hear the door unlock, and I just stay seated, I dont really want to stand up and cause all of my blood to come out like Niagra Falls, that would be bad, but I do have to get out of this bed eventually...

"Where the hell were you?" I ask, quite mad at him for no reason I guess.

"I was getting you chocolate babe." He says, handing me a king sized Kit Kat package.

"Oh my gosh Luke, I love you. I'm so sorry I was rude. I love you. Thank you."

"I love you too, and youre welcome. Enjoy your chocolate." He says, and I giggle.

"Lukey?" I ask, sounding like a little child.


"I want you to give me a big ole hug." I say, still in a children's voice and he hugs me, tight and we just stay like that for a while.

When we end the hug, he begins to kiss me but I pull away.

"I have morning breath and I want to eat my chocolate, so no kissing until I finish eating my chocolate and then I need to brush my teeth."

Normally, I am not like that, but on my period you will never know.

I quickly finish my chocolate, and while I am brushing my teeth, Luke walks in, just waiting to kiss me, so I quickly finish brushing. After I rinse out, he leans toward me.

"Nope. Nope. Nope. Mouth wash." I say and gurgle some mouth wash and he does too.

"Now?" He asks, after I spit out my mouth wash and I nod my head as he kisses me and then tickles me, causing me to laugh into the kiss.

"Stop it, you child!" I yell and push him playfully.

He then attacks me in kisses and I push him off gently and run away. He chases me for a while, but then I run into the hallway quickly and knock on each of the other guys' doors until one of them opens up, which happens to be Michael, and I run in and shut his door and lock it waiting for Luke to realize I'm not in our room yet, but it doesnt take very long. I hear him talking to the other boys and then realizing that I am with Malum.

"You are lucky we were having sex, Nikki." Calum says, smirking, and I just nod.

"I am very lucky indeed." I say, trying not to laugh. We all know they arent that serious yet to where they have sex on a daily basis.

"Nikki, let me in." Luke says, pounding on the door teasingly, causing me to laugh.

"Malum. Please help me." Luke whines, and they just shrug their shoulders and stay by me.

"Is this one of your period mood swings?" Michael asks, and I just nod my head.

"Good thing we dont have to deal with that, right?" Calum says, and I shake my head trying not to punch them both. Just part of the mood swings on this lovely week I guess.

"Nikki, please open the door babe." Luke says begging, so I open the door giggling.

"Boo!" I say, and he giggles before tickling me again and pulling me over his shoulder.

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