Chapter 14 - Okay...

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"Wake up Nikki." Calum says, shaking me away, and I smile appreciatevely at him.

"Did we land?" I ask and he nods.

"We are in London. We are in London."

"Calm down Nikki."

"Im sorry but this is different than leaving town. This is going to a whole new country."

My excitedness for that little bit drowned out my sadness, but as soon as I caught a glimpse of just what he was doing, my tears started welling up and i just grab my stuff and get off the plane, with Calum close on my tail, trying not to lose me in this airport.

"Calum, I'll be right back out." I say, and run into the girls' bathroom and quickly go to the bathroom, then clean up my tears and come back out to see all the guys there.

"Lets go." I say, smiling at Calum and ignoring Luke all together.

We all start heading to grab the rest of the guys' luggage and then we go outside to see if our ride is here yet.

Once again it is a van, and I decide that I want to sit with Calum and Mikey this time, and then everyone else follows in.

I can here Ash and Luke whispering in the back, but i cant make out what they are talking about, so I just brush it off and put in my ear phones, sharing an ear bud with Cal.

We listen to some rock for a while, until I just turn my phone off and start crying again.

"Stop being an attention whore!" Luke yells at me.

"Says the one who was basically fucking a girl on the plane!"

"I was not!"

"You guys were snogging and you have fucking bite marks on your neck! And what about the picture with the flight attendants?! And Calum told me about how you were flirting with girls while I was sleeping!"

"That doesnt mean anything!"

"So? You still did it, meaningful or not!"

"You forgave me last time, I know you can forgive me."

"Last time you werent cheating on me, and you actually apologized last time!"

"I'm fucking sorry! Is that what you wanted?"

"No, I want to know what is wrong with me! Why you would go and cheat on me when we've known each other forever and we are supposed to be together forever?!"


"Because why?"

"Because you wont have fucking sex with me!"

"That's what this is about. I thought you understood. But I guess not, dont bother talking to be ever again..."


"Luke, stop, it isnt worth it, you pissed her off, she said it. You're over."

"Nikki... I love you penguin."

"If you love something, you have to let it go." Calum says, beyond angry.

"And if she truly loves you, she will come back." Michael says, angred too.

"Why are you guys so mad at me?" Luke asks, and they all just shake their heads.

"You cheated on her because she wont have sex with you! If you loved her, you would wait till she was ready, and not go and cheat on her. You really are stupid. You broke her heart. It is not healthy for her to sleep this much, but I guess if you are sad you sleep a lot..."

Thing is, I wasnt sleeping. I was listening to them argue, silent tears falling down my face.

"We are here. It is smaller than our standards. There is 5 rooms, each with one bed. Nikki, since you are the only girl, you get first pick of where you are sleeping."

"Calum." I say, and Luke's face turns red.

Ashton and Harry in a room.

Calum and I in a room.

Louis and Zayn in a room.

Liam and Niall in a room.

And Luke and Michael in a room.

We check in and head to the floor, and all of our rooms are like across from each other's except one that is just a little bit farther, so Luke and Mikey take it before I can speak up.

As soon as Calum gets the key card, we go inside and see that the bed is king size.

"Not too bad." We both say, and then start laughing.

We sit there a bit bored trying to figure out what to do.

Playing truth or dare is boring with two people, and so is spin the bottle...

"I'm sorry Luke is a jerk."

"I should have known, and it isnt your fault."

"He just lets the fame get to his head, we try to straighten him out, youre the only one who can fully straighten him out, but I understand you dont want to talk to him right now."

"I dont want to talk to him ever again."

"You are going to have to sweet pea."

"I know..."

"Whenever he come crawling back start singing 'Begging On Your Knees' by Victoria Justice."

"I dont think I will, but thanks Calum."

"Lets have a room party!"


"Do you wanna go get the 5sos album from the bag, I believe Ashton has it..." Calum tells me and I nod, and go across the hall and knock.

"What do you need Nikki?"

"Do you still have the album?"

"Mikey took it for the last plane ride."


I walk down the hall, little steps at a time.

If Luke were to answer the door, I'd need to talk to him, but I would just freeze up.

I stand outside the hall practicing for if Luke were to answer the door.

Soon, I knock and Michael opens the door, but only a little bit.

"Yes?" He asks.

"I need the album."


"Cal needs it."

"Hold on, be right back."

Right before he closes the door, I push it back open.

"Why cant I come in?"


"Because why?"

"Fine..." He lets me in, but as soon as I see Luke, I run out of the room, tears falling.

Soon, all the boys, including Luke are running after me.

"Why do you fucking hate me Lucifer? What the hell did I do to you?"

Well, if you are confused, he cheated again, but yeah.

Thanks for 850+ reads, at this rate, the next chapter may have 1,000.

Pssh. I wish.

Thanks guys! Ily!

Stay Beautful and Happy! XxXxX

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