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Never in my life did I think I would end up here. Never did I realize that my happy fate was short lived. Meeting Luke again really made my life great, I didn't stop being depressed but he helped so much. He was there for me when no one else could be. He was amazing. Clue word: was.

He and the other boys are dead. I am in the hospital good as dead. It's crazy how it worked. I wish I would have been dead on contact, I would trade any of them. I don't want to have a chance to live anymore. Luke was my life, hell, all of the boys are my life. They helped me and I can't even thank them.

The nurses are running around like crazy. It's giving me a head ache. They don't seem mad or anything. They seem calm. I just need someone here for me. My parents don't have the money to fly out. I'm alone.

Luke made me feel ways. He made me feel special. I felt like I had a place. I felt like I was supposed to be able to do incredible things. He always knew how to cheer me up. Luke can say all the wrong words and still make me feel as if he said a quote from heaven. It doesn't matter how sad I get, Luke is always there for me to cheer me up, or at least attempt to. Back when we were little, we were always joined to the hip. We always travelled together. Our parents thought it was cute. We would have cute little slumber parties all the time. Never did i think, oh this is the guy I'm gonna marry. Little 4 through 16 year old me never really thought of a future with him, I had him so far stuck in the friendzone, it was nearly impossible to get him out of there.

When he left for tour, I thought I had lost him, but he came back. This time he isn't going to come back. This time none of them will ever be alive. I don't know why, but I thought I would have a longer life, or at least a longer life with them. Luke had just proposed to me and now he is dead. The boys were just telling me congats, and now they are dead. It hurts.

The nurses never have noticed that I am crying and trying to think of ways to just end my life. I'm weak but I need to be more weak. I need to just die. I need to end it.

I sound crazy, I know. I just won't and can't live without him. He's my everything. He's my life. And my life is dead, so why not take my soul with it?

Looking at all of the tools and tubes in my arms, I feel disgusted seeing the cuts under them. They got to see my cuts. They know I self harmed. They know Luke died. They expect me to die.

Luke, you've been my love forever, i just never noticed it. I love you still, even if you are a rotting corpse now and can't ever see or hear me again here on this earth. After death is there something else? is there a heaven and hell? or is it just black. Is there a life after death? I really don't know, but you know and wherever you are, I will go. Just like when we were little, always joined to the hip. i miss those days. It was less complicated and you weren't dead. I wasn't depressed either. i just really miss you already, I am ready to join you. Luke, you saved me. I just have to thank you for our little Reconnection.

I really enjoyed writing this story, and I really hope you enjoyed this story. xx thanks for reading. ily all. if you want, you should go read some of my other works cx

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