Chapter 13 - Plane Ride Part 2

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"Wake up Penguin."

"Shut up."

"You have to wake up Nikki."


"We landed in Hong Kong."

"We can stay on here."

"Dont you wanna stretch out your legs?"


"Penguin... I will carry you off this plane if I have to..."

"At least I will get some sleep for goodness sake!"

He picks me up and carries me off the plane to thousands of fans out there.

"I wanna go back Luke."


We walk through the crowd, him not putting me down to sign, but he did take pics, with me still in his arms. I kinda scoff but he just ignores me.

"I hate you."

"I love you too." He replies naturally and I scowl, as he laughs. Why me?

"Dude, youre lucky! You didnt have to sign because you had to carry her."

"He didnt have to. I couldve stayed on the plane and slept!" I yell.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Luke says and I scowl, climbing from his arms, and head somewhere, not exactly knowing where I am going.

"Where are you going?"

"I dont know, away from you." I say and he runs up behind me and hugs me, snuggling his face into my neck and hair completely covering his face.

"You arent going anywhere without me for the rest of your life..."

"Thats scary. What if I need to pee?"

"Well, besides that."

"What if I need to shower or change?"

"Those too, you know what I meant. I was trying to be romantic and not creepy."


"She really needs to go back to sleep." Michael speaks up and I nod.

"Fine, we will go back, but I wont ruin your fun..."

We board the plane again and sit in our seats, just trying to get back to sleep and all cuddled up, and eventually we do end up falling asleep, in each other's arms.

"What is this?" Luke says, and I feel confused as I look to see Luke standing in front of me and someone is behind me.

"You told me to watch her and she kept saying 'Luke dont leave me' and I couldnt just sit there, literally, she would reach for my arms and wrap them around because she thought it was still you. Im sorry bro. Shes yours."

"Damn right, now get out of my chair."

Mikey gets up and I send him an apologetic smile.

"Im so sorry Luke. I was asleep and I did think it was you an-"

"Shut up. Its fine. I just dont want another guy cuddling you like that."

"What if I had a brother?"

"Then he would be an exception but you dont anymore, so only me and me alone."

"Well, I need to call my dad then..."

"Nikki, stop being so smart alek today."

I just smile as to not annoy him any further as he leans in for his lips to come in contact with mine.

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