Chapter 30 ~ Dallas Dates

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The time spent in America has been some of the most fun that I have had in a while. Sadly, all things must come to an end. There is only two weeks left in America, and a week of it is in the all famous California. That means the Texas shows will be some of the last. It's extremely saddening, but honestly I'm ready to go back home. I really miss my parents.

Right now, we are in northern Texas. Only three more hours until Dallas where the boys will perform and then we will stay in Dallas over night into tomorrow and then we will have another Dallas show and be on our way to Las Vegas the following morning. These two days will be over soon and i just really want to make these days count.

"What are you thinking about babe?" Luke asks me from behind.

"That we only have two weeks in America."

"Awe, dont let it damper your mood. You need to enjoy these days."

"I will. I just have too much time to think right now. I'm fine though."

"Okay babe, go back to sleep. I will wake you when we are at the mall."

"Thank you Luke." I say, before cuddling back into the sheets and closing my eyes.

I lay there with my eyes closed for a while, but eventually i finally fall back to sleep.


"Baby, wake up." I hear in my ear. His breath on my cheek made me giggle and turn away from him.

"Your breath tickles." I say, trying to hide my wide smile, but I fail.

"This is a first, you actually woke up in a good mood." He teases, and I hit his chest.

Getting out of bed, I quickly grab my clothes to change in the bathroom. I shut the door and quickly change, not bothering to look into the mirror. As soon as I get my pants on, I hear a loud crash. I jump and get my shirt on.

"What happened?" I ask, exiting the bathroom.

"My drums fell is all." Ashton says. Rolling my eyes, I apply my make up without a mirror and go find Luke.

"Are you ready to shop?" I ask him, smiling.

"Yeah. I actually am."

"You can hang out with the guys if you want to."

"No, I am fine." He says, leaning down to kiss my cheek and then standing back up and walking over to Calum and Michael's bunks. The top is empty, so he opens the bottom bunk to see Malum cuddling in the bottom bunk.

"Awe." I say aloud, getting a glare from Luke.

I just shrug my shoulders, causing him to laugh before leaning down.

"Hey lovebirds, get up." He says, screaming into their ears.

They jolt awake, causing Luke and I to laugh. Michael isn't a morning person, so he tries to hide under the cover. Luke ends up taking the whole blanket off the bed revealing the boys in only their boxers. Calum just sits there amused at his boyfriend's reaction.

"Lucifer the devil, stop visiting me, you are not welcome. Go back to Hell." He says, anger laced in his tired, hoarse voice.

"You're hot when you're mad." Calum says, laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You don't have to remind me." He says, getting out of bed to get dressed.

Ashton walks back from where he was visiting with the bus driver.

"I am so tired of you couples." He mutters.

"Stop being sour, you will find your love." I say, kissing Ashton's cheek and smirking.

The bus stops at the mall, and we all get off the bus. I'm not sure what I am exactly looking for, but I need to buy, something.

Luke and I walk around for a while not really finding anything.

"Can we go into Hot Topic? It looks cool." He says, and I nod.

We walk in to be welcomed with tons and tons of band tees. This is my kind of place.

Together, Luke and I end up buying around 10 shirts, but it was worth it. They gave us a huge discount because I guess they were fans. We got all of them for around the worth of 5 shirts, which is a pretty good deal. Half off isn't terrible at all.

Once we get out of Hot Topic, we go into a vans store and each get us a pair.

Around the time we got out, we were tired of shopping, so we just kind of walk around occasionally signing autographs.

Walking around the food court, I see something familiar. Once I realize it, I kind of laugh to myself.

"Look Luke, looks like Ashton found a girl..." I say, surprised that sour boy could find himself a girl in a mall.

I walk up behind him.

"Hey Ashton." I say to him.

"Leave me alone please."

"I just wanted to tell you to hurry up and get her number." I say, looking the girl up and down.


"Hi, I'm Nikki. Ashton is a sweet guy. He will care for you more than you would think. He was a hopeless romantic, but maybe with you he won't be so hopeless or sour." I say, shaking her hand.

"Thanks, I like your shirt." She says, looking at my Ozzy Osbourne tee.

"Thanks, I'll be on my way now and stop bothering Ashton. By the way, we will be in town today and tomorrow so he can go on a date anytime. He is free except for during his concert, which you should totally go to by the way, it's tonight at 7." I say, handing her a ticket and walking towards Ashton.

"You're welcome Ashy," I say, walking off entertwining my hand with Luke's as we walk towards the tour bus.

Soon, everyone boards and Ashton tells us all about his encounter and date tomorrow for lunch.

"You will do amazing Ash." I say to him as he smiles to be and nods his head.

"Thank you Nikki. I wouldn't have had the courage to ask her without you."

"No problem bro." I say, smiling his way.

This is prob bad and i feel so bad for not updating for a month...


bye bye babes x

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